Monday, September 10, 2012


When I signed in today I had a look at my Stats
Do you ever do that?
Just wondering how many people had been dropping by to visit my blog lately.
I was quite surprised to see that I have had over 100 000 visitors reading about what goes on here at Chez Helsie.
Many thanks to those of you who visit regularly and leave a message. It has been fantastic to get to know you all.
Of course there are obviously many who visit and don't comment to get to such a big number and I thank you for your visits too and hope that some day you will stop to chat.
The next thing that always interests me is to look and see which post has earned the most visits.
One of my posts unfailingly tops the viewing stats and it is this one :
What's a Wattle
It's possible that it comes up in searches when folks ( students ) are researching wattle trees or even the building style wattle and daub and that could result in its popularity.
The second most popular one is a post entitled :
Weird Flowers
Now this one stumps me but I think the word weird in the title must have something to do with its popularity.
Old Queenslanders
attracts attention perhaps from people looking for activities for pensioners !
But the one that really brings a smile to my face is :
It's always high on the viewing list and if you were googling the word "depression " and found yourself looking at this post you might get a bit of a surprise.
Does anybody else out there look at their Stats?


  1. I check my stats all the time. I'm always wondering where people are who read my blog. It shows the most of my views are from Russia .. I can't figure that out because I haven't gotten any comments from anyone in Russia ..

  2. I do from time to time check the stats and am like you surprised to see how many people in how many different countries do read my ramblings. My most popular post of all time seems to be Dorset buttons.

  3. its a weird world Helsie! I actually dont really pay any attention to stats, but just blurt out whatever is going on in my home!

  4. Recently I did look at my stats and discovered most hits had been upon a post I wrote some time ago about teenage "Chavs". Second - much to my surprise was a "filler" post I wrote very recently about the Pyrenean desman....I may have to produce a post with a clearly sexual title to attract an avalanche of hits. Why not try the same experiment? If stuck for naughty words just ask Tony!

  5. I will have to check, I haven't in some time, something I forget to do. I always love what you have to share with us readers.

  6. Yes, I check them, but not very often. I kind of forget that Stats is there!

  7. Once or twice I have looked at my stats, but I haven't felt the inclination for ages. I get weekly email reports and I just delete them immediately.
    Maybe their depression is cured after looking at your blog!

  8. I don't - perhaps I should ........
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  9. I regularly check my stats too, and like Thea, most of my visitors come from Russia, very very strange.
    My most viewed is a Translation Tuesday post on Aussie Slang, maybe Russians want to learn how to speak like an Australian?

  10. I write mostly for my friends and relatives and the stats don't show me if they're paying attention, so I rarely check them. Also, for the longest time, I didn't even know stats existed.

  11. I have a few secret 'lurkers' (the blog name for people who regularly visit but don't comment) and I amuse myself by looking to see if they have checked in to read each day.
    I try and write interesting posts, but often just a 'for the archives' post too.
