Friday, September 7, 2012


Recently I told you the story of my daughter Sally and her patient/friend Nathan who had undergone a full lung transplant  here.
Today we were greeted with this news headline in the Gold Coast newspaper.
Gold Coast physio wins national award
It was accompanied by this photo.
‘I ♥ my Physio’ competition
 This brave young man had nominated Sally to enter this first time award by the Australian Physiotherapy Association and she has won it !!!
Woo Hooo!
This is what he wrote in his entry.

“My name is Nathan and I suffer from cystic fibrosis. At the end of 2011 my disease had progressed to the terminal stage. My only option was to receive the gift of life, a double lung transplant. I received that gift on 13 of March 2012. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for my dedicated physiotherapist, Sally .

She never gave up on me, even at my worst and always kept my hopes high. Sally would be beside my bed, day after day, giving me at times painful treatments to get me across the line. And that she did, and for that I thank her. My life has now changed dramatically.

With the continuing persistence of Sally, I have now found a new love for exercise without oxygen and severe coughing fits; and recently I completed my first ever 5.7km fun run at the Gold Coast Marathon in June with Sally by my side.

The past few years have been a financial struggle as well, as I have not been able to work. If I win this competition, I would put the proceeds towards a new bike to complete my first ever triathlon.”
The organisers of this competition had this to say:
World Physiotherapy Day is an opportunity to recognise the work that physiotherapists do for their patients and community.
This year the panel had its work cut out, with more than 250 impressive entries from around the country and across many different fields of physiotherapy,’ APA President and judging panelist Melissa said. “Nathan’s story is inspiring for us all; it was really touching to see this young man overcome a terminal diagnosis and develop a new love for exercise and life.
We were very impressed by the professional and personal  commitment demonstrated by his physiotherapist. Sally went above and beyond her normal daily duties to support Nathan during his illness and recovery and is now competing with him in fun runs - that is dedication! Nathan’s story highlights the benefit of clinical excellence, a positive attitude and the right support.
Isn't that great?

As I said,
So Proud !!!
Edited to add:
Both Sally and Nathan have won an iPad and $1000 prize money.


  1. Well done Sally! I can imagine how proud you and Tony must be of your lovely daughter.

  2. Fantastic, no wonder you are so proud, such a wonderful story.

  3. That's wonderful and you must be very proud indeed of Sally. Congratulations Sally.

  4. Congratulations to Sally and her proud Mom and Dad.

  5. A great story and very deserving winners of the award. Fingers crossed that Nathan will enjoy many years of good health in spite of what he has been through. Well done Sally!

  6. That's fantastic! A great story with a happy ending, well done sally!

  7. Congratulations to Sally! Sounds like some well deserved recognition came her way.

    No wonder you're fit to bust with pride.

  8. What a wonderful, heartwarming story! You must have no buttons left from bursting them all.

    Please tell Sally that all of your blogging friends join in congratulating her on this well-deserved recognition.

  9. 'RAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!Huge congratulations to Sally. A national award. What an achievement. Mega claps and rapturous applause!

  10. How wonderful! That is so lovely to hear.

  11. Very many congratulations to Sally, what an inspirational person she is. I hope Nathan keeps improving and manages more sporting activities, too.
