Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Do you buy things over the Internet?

Recently we have started to buy quite a few things.

Make-up from Strawberrynet at huge savings delivered to the door within six days.
No postal charges!!

A new backpack for Tony's new camera


that has special compartment for the camera accessed from the side so you don't have to dig down to the bottom as well as a separate  compartment for the laptop, somewhere to attach a small tripod and another for the extra lens and bits and pieces

and still room for a jumper, raincoat etc for when we are overseas.
Perfect and a fraction of the price for something similar in the shops ( and twice as good too! )
Free postage !
Our latest purchase was a new chair for the study when the old , cheaply made one snapped of a leg.
He found this nice one - in cream which looks better than the old black one - so ordered it.
Postage paid to the door !

(it weighed 17 kilos !!)
It arrived yesterday and he put it together very quickly without problem.
A much sturdier chair with lovely back support and on rollers.

This morning we saw this one in a catalogue from a local furniture store.

( the brown one on the end )
Twice the price !
Haul it home youself or pay a delivery charge too.

We're beginning to like this way of purchasing.



  1. Living in small town America can mean an hour drive to the big city to pick up things not carried in the local shops. I'd much rather shop from my recliner than waste 2 hours driving. More time for sewing that way. Great finds by the way!

  2. What a very nice chair, it looks so comfortable.
    I buy English things, books from Amazon or Book Depository, clothes from Marks and Spencer etc...all on the internet! It's so convenient.

  3. I do buy my cosmetics via the internet from Liz Earle as it isn't available in many shops and I like the service and the freebies too! I have bought books this way but never furniture I have to say nor rucksacks - that new one will be great and can probably fit your jacket in too so you have no need for more than a dinky little handbag?!

  4. Good for you .......but,
    there can be a downside to all this, as those local traders will gradually go out of business as more people shop online. :(
    I am all for a bargain but can you imagine trying to buy, say, shoes online? As local shoe-shops round here have close down, I find I have to drive miles to find another supplier. Please don't get me wrong Helen, but just imagine how Ludlow would look with all those wee shops boarded up.
    One other comment, if I may - I like to see what I am buying to check quality etc. I only buy DVDs and things like that online.
    Cheers....and happy shopping. :)

  5. I've never had a backpack in my entire life but my kids have.

  6. I buy almost everything on the internet (I've yet to be converted to online grocery shopping though )

    It's convenient, it's a time saver and often the prices are better.

  7. Bernard:
    I understand what you are saying.... but then I see the prices of things in some shops and that, coupled with the fact that our strong dollar SHOULD mean that imported items are cheaper, makes these online buys very attractive.
    I have friends in the USA who buy clothing and shoes online. They order them in three sizes and return all unsuitable items. I couldn't be bothered with that and anyway the postage costs would be horrendous here. ...and I enjoy the shopping experience too.
