Sunday, January 29, 2012


A last minute decision to join in lead to a frantic sorting through my photos for ones that matched,

as usual !

Here is January's effort

1.  information

This is where I turn to find out anything these days.

2.  soft

on my bare feet !

3.  in season

mango, my favourite fruit

4. in my bathroom

I sure got a fright when I reached for my towel !!!!

5. distance

The mountains from my backyard.

6.  two

Sadly it's two no more .
RIP Baker

7.  a mess

Dash got hold of the ham bag.... and it tasted great !

8.  odd

An odd number of table decorations for my Dad's 90th birthday party.

9.  entrance

The pathway to our front door. Very pretty at the moment.

10.  company

A gathering of friends and neighbours on New Year's Day is always good company.

11. blur

What rain does to the view

12. warning

coming down the Toowoomba range.

Well that's it for another month.
If you 'd like to see some other interpretations/collections click HERE .

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  1. What a great collection of photographs for one of the more interesting scavenger hunts!

  2. I've enjoyed seeing your photos this month and you have some great ones!

  3. Loved it all Helen. Great.
    But....'Steep' decent 10%?
    Gosh! You ain't seen nothin' yet!
    One in ten is childs play here. Ask Foody.
    England, Scotland and Wales is all ups and downs, in fact, there are many steep ups and downs. Some would make your hair curl" :)
    Hang on to your hat and come back soon.

  4. Oh well done, I struggled with a few of them...still have tomorrow officially though!

  5. A great collection.I really must get organised and join in.I just never seem to have the time!

  6. I love seeing your photos each month Helen. It's one of my favourite posts!

  7. Very clever interpretations. Congrats on completing the scavenger hunt.

  8. You've taken some wonderful photos. I like your interpretations of the topics. I wonder what next month's will be?:)

  9. Hello Helen,
    Its so nice to hear from you!
    yes its pretty busy around here one way or another. Squares flying in!
    WE have the charity blankets which I'm really eager to work on, so its all go!
    Terribly cold here Helen, although we haven't had snow yet!
    Love Suex

  10. The photo scavenger hunt sound like fun. Do you need an invite to join?

  11. what fun !!!

    your flowers are beautiful, as are the dogs.

    the best photo is the long table with all those smiling faces.

  12. It's a lovely selection, except for the sad loss of the dog. Did I miss that while I've been away from Blogland or was it longer ago? I'm very sorry.
    The spider is horrible made me scream.
    I like the fruit and the happy family meal photos.

  13. scrolling through your photos I really smiled at the photo of the two dogs. My face fell at the caption though :-( My own beloved dog is now elderly too, and its horrible even contemplating his loss. RIP to your lovely boy.

    Leanne x
