Friday, January 27, 2012

MOVIE REVUE - Millenium Trilogy

Like millions of people all over the world I've read and enjoyed the Millenium Trilogy by Stieg Larssons.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl who Played with Fire
The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest 

Recently we purchased DVD's of the Swedish version of all three books and set about watching them.

We never watch movies with subtitles and we soon learnt that we could not look away,
put the kettle on,
anything that would cause us to miss those printed words.

We thoroughly enjoyed them.

The two main parts
( Noomi Rapace and Michael Nyqvist )
were very well done, especially the role of Lisabeth. 

Isn't this just how you imagined her?

Next week we will go and see the new version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
with Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara.

I'll keep you posted.



  1. I havent read these books (but Miss P has )

    With all the recent hype I'm wondering if now is the time to take the plunge!

    I'll be interested in reading your review of the movie.

  2. We too have read and watched. I don't think the American version will hold a candle. She was perfect. Now, if they would just make THE OUTLANDER series. I have my Claire and Jamie already picked out in my head. Have a splendid weekend you two.

  3. I haven't read this series but maybe I should. I'll wait to see the new movie version when it comes to cable TV. If I like the series I will get the original movies on DVD. I don't mind reading caps because we always have caps set on our TV. I'm pooped I've been carrying hardcover books to our upstairs library. These shelves always fill up quicker than you thought they should. LOL!

  4. Like Shay I haven't read the books either but perhaps I will check the library for them now and then will perhaps want to see the films too. Thanks for your e-mail - I'll reply later today.

  5. A brilliant series, both the books and the Swedish DVDs. Perfect casting.

  6. I haven't read these either, but may have to put them on my list after reading your review! I have been hearing a lot of good things about this though, so I'll just have to give it a shot!

  7. I loved these books and am gutted the Larsson died without writing the rest of his planned books. Dave downloaded all three films about a year ago but we haven't got round to watching them yet.

    That is just how I imagined Lisbeth when I read the books!
