Thursday, January 26, 2012


Round about this time last year I wrote a post about how disappointing your garden can be sometimes.

Have a quick look by clicking here so you can see the photos I took before you scroll down to see the photos I took yesterday.
no cheating now !

What a difference !

We've had a few inches of rain too so the grass is turning green

but look at these flowers!

The path to the front door looks lovely too.

Not to be outdone the Golden Lyre Grevillea is putting on a show too.

You win some, you lose some.

That's gardening for you.

This time we've had a win !!!

I'm linking up for Favourite Things Friday again today 'cos these pretty pink flowers are my favourite thing this week.
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  1. I love the golden plant, it reminds me of yellow bottle brushes. We have something similar here in England, but red.
    How pretty it all looks.

  2. I'm so glad you have those glorious pink flowers this year. Huge comparison to last year. It must wonderful to come home to all that colour.
    Anne xx

  3. Beautiful! It's winter here so no flowers. So it is nice looking at yours.

  4. Stunning. Just look at all those flowers and the color. I haven't seen color like that in a few months. Just what I needed to brighten my day. Bring them on...

  5. Love the flowers, Helsie, especially the grevillias. My budgies get a new branch every day...they love them. The honey eaters do too, don't they? I'm glad I dropped over for Favourite Things Friday.

  6. Love the flowers, Helsie, especially the grevillias. My budgies get a new branch every day...they love them. The honey eaters do too, don't they? I'm glad I dropped over for Favourite Things Friday.

  7. Oh,how your pictures of those beautiful blooms gladden a winter weary heart. I stand on my deck looking out at my winter beds, hoping and planning for spring. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Very pretty garden this year. Enjoy! Thanks for sharing, I'm ready for a spot of color in our garden.

  9. I didn't cheat .. looks like you won this time!!

  10. Love those golden coloured grevillias. Do you know what species it is? Have been enjoying following your blog, nice to see another brissy blog out there!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Gorgeous plants I'd be too embarassed to show any pics of my front garden ....

  13. Your gardens are looking fabulous this year Helen. Such a difference from last year. This year I have lots of frangipani blooming, last year I didn't have any.

  14. They are very spectacular. We are fighting the rat again for tomatoes this week and the hot weather.

  15. What a difference a year makes...gorgeous. I love the to get one of those.

  16. how beautiful the pinks are ... they must make you smile every day they're in bloom.

    it's the yellows that make me want to reach out and touch them ... they are so interesting!

  17. Love, love the flowers! I love that golden plant too, it just pops the garden. Does it show up at night too?

  18. You've had some very strange and unseasonal weather up your way the last year. It seems to have helped and not hindered your garden!

    It looks beautiful. I dream of having such colour in my yard. Maybe if you keep posting stuff like this I'll get inspired to get off my butt and do something about that!
