Sunday, December 25, 2011


Over  and  out  !!!


  1. Love to LOOK at those cookies tonite, Helsie.

    Seems like we are running neck-to-neck in the wrapping paper trash.


  2. Ohh i cant even look at food yet! Our house is such a mess but no one is moving, only the dog is sniffing out any potential goodies hiding under the paper!

  3. Looks like a good time was had by all?!

  4. I am pleased that people all round the world celebrate Christmas....but, with it not being in the middle Winter, I'm not sure that my heart would be in it.
    The origins of having a 'knees up' in mid-winter (longest night etc) was that they were celebrating the fact that soon the days would be getting longer and soon they could start growing crops for food. They had to survive the Winter on stores and preserved foods. If the stocks ran out, they went hungry. :(
    These pagan celebrations were later incorporated by the church, into Christmas.
    It would seem very strange to me to have a celebration in a hot climate in the middle of summer, when the original feasts (which actually lasted at least 12 days) were held at the darkest and coldest time of the year.
    But....I'm never one to refuse a 'knees up' at anytime, anywhere!
    As Kath says - Have a Blessed Yule!
    Cheers Bernard.

  5. I slept most of Boxing Day away with a very long Nanna nap. Who knew Christmas could be so exhausting?

    Those tarts look gorgeous.

  6. Looks like a very joyous Christmas!

  7. Hi Helen, Here's some memories from England for you. :)
    Cheers....and a belated Happy New Year.
    Belated, because we have been watching your fireworks here, 12 hours before Midnight! ....B.
