Saturday, December 24, 2011


To all my Blogging Buddies

Tony and I wish you a very Merry  Christmas
and a Happy and Prosperous  New Year.



  1. Thanks and the same to you both too!

  2. Merry Christmas Helsie! We're resting before heading over to my brother's for Christmas Eve. Tomorrow we will spend Christmas Day with my Hubby's twin brothers and their families. There's just a tiny touch of snow on the roof tops here with no snow forecasted (darn!). Isn't blogging wonderful? I never thought I would have such wonderful friends from all over the world. Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

  3. Merry Christmas to you all Helsie.
    Kate x

  4. merry Xmas to you and all your family.have a great time.Barbara

  5. Hope you have had a great day! We have just returned home from our Oakey Christmas. Lovely and cool up there last night, pleasant day today. Too much food, lots and lots of pressies all around the room and lots of talk talk talk! nieces, nephews, cousins, grand-children, great-grand-children, husbands, wives, sisters, Nanas and Great-grandmothers and our pregnant Niece due in February! It was a fantastic day but now it's time for a nap!

    now on to those Boxing Day sales (NOT!!)

  6. Have a Cool Yule, hope 2012 brings all good things x
