Sunday, December 11, 2011


The very hot, muggy day has passed.
We've had two good storms this afternoon to cool the air a bit.
Now, what to make for Sunday night tea?

Pizza !

Quick and easy.

Tropical  ham, pineapple, tomato and cheese.

Vegetarian - mushroom, caramelized onion, pumpkin, tomato, capsicum, feta and mozzarella.

Into the hot oven and 10 minutes later ....


Just what the doctor ordered !

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  1. Yum, Yum, I have never had pumpkin on a pizza, although, I have had sweet potatoes that was very good.

  2. OOh my mouth is watering. Good job my husband has set out for a takeaway Indian meal.
    He's away for a few days on business and I have just made a pan of chicken stew which will feed me while he is gone. I put sweet potatoes in that, along with carrot, swede and barley. Thats the weather we're having!
    and I shan't be basking on the beach at Burnham-on-mud this christmas, thanks Uncle B ha ha

  3. Hi Helen and thanks for that mention Kath. Not going to try eh? :D
    Well I'm pleased to say that it looks 'Scrumptious'!
    And what is more it sounds delicious!
    Caramelised onion - perfect.
    Thank heavens there was not even a hint of that over-powering thing called Ga**ic! Phweeeeee! Awful smell, especially when trying to steal a kiss from a lovely lass.

  4. Burnham-on-mud, Kath.
    Don't go there.
    Try Minehead. They have steam trains and no mud!
    And it might be warm. He,he.
    Kath in a bikini on Christmas day!
    The mind boggles. :D

  5. Mmmmmmm...I love pizza.

    Is it wrong that I want pizza for breakfast now?

  6. Now, I'm hungry for this and it's still breakfast time here. We call the first Hawaiian with the Pineapple. Certain parts of the US it's hard to find. But, here in Chicago, pretty easy. Chicago is know for it's pizza, especially Deep Dish pan. But, we still love the thin crust here in our garden.

  7. Oh Unc, I think I might get arrested for a public order offence LOL
