Friday, December 9, 2011


It's the final day of the school year today and all the State
Primary School kids have now joined the High School and Private school kids on their loooong Summer holidays( 6-8 weeks ).

With the thought of hordes of kids in the shopping malls from Saturday on, I set out to try to finish the Christmas gift shopping today.
( Remind me next time I set out for this type of day to wear my flat, comfy sandals NOT my glamorous peep-toe wedges !!! )

Anyhow, off I sailed fearful that there would not be any parking spaces and I would have to drive round and round stalking people returning to their cars before I found a spot.
But that was not the case and I parked my car easily in the usual spot and set off with my list grasped very firmly in my hand.

( Yesterday, when I quickly ran down to the local shops to get a few last minute items for the dinner I was preparing for friends, as I was hurrying towards the shops a gust of wind whipped my list out of my grasp and blew it underneath a car where it was completely beyound reach !! ....But I digress )

Following some advice from a fellow Brisbane blogger I'm happy to report that I have had some success on the Aussie card front today.
They are all humorous ones depicting the way Aussies spend Christmas..

like this Christmas BBQ !

They are drawn by Richard Galbraith as are the other ones I have shown you in the past.
I'll be trotting out some more of them as we move towards Christmas.

On the home front a little decorating has been done

The entrance now delivers a Christmas message ...

and these old favourites  ( they're about 28 years old ) are back in place for another year.

I made these sequined balls about 25 years ago and they are beginning to lose their vibrant colours now but they are here to stay.

After all that work I love them.

The Christmas tree is up with its fibreoptic lights merrily blinking and changing colour

and most of the presents are wrapped and under the tree !!!

So there you are.
 I'm almost organised  ... already !

Thunderous round of applause for me !

So being organised is my favourite thing today.



  1. I love the feeling of being organised. All my cards are posted, my pressies bought. No last minute madness for me either. Well done.

  2. I'm fairly organised too, but I always am! Most presents are wrapped and we have decorated a bit too.

    That card is just the sort of thing I imagined Aussie cards would be like!

  3. Fabulous decor my friend. I just love the old vintage stuff. Especially, those balls. I think we were all making those 25 years ago, on our early crafting days. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Gosh you ARE organised! I have no decorations up yet - I usually leave them till just before the 25th as otherwise I am fed up with them long before Twelfth Night- nothing prepared for the big day at all - it's all going to be very impromptu here I can tell you! Love your sequined balls.

  5. It's always a wonderful feeling being organized for Christmas ~ alas, this year I am not.

    Love your sequined balls. They are beautiful!

  6. I'm clapping (very loudly ) because having done your Christmas shopping is quite an achievement in my book.

    I also braved the local shopping centre, spent a load of money and still have two gifts to get . I haven't started wrapping but it's on the agenda for this weekend.

    Your decorating looks lovely and yes - I love those sequinned balls!

  7. I haven't shopped for one thing yet, Helsie! Ack! Your decorations are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing them. Happy FTF! ☺

  8. Thanks for the lovely tour of your Christmas preparations. Your decorations are lovely-particularly your sequined balls. I remember making them one year in Girl Scouts in the 1950s. They are as gorgeous now as they were then.

  9. I am flabbergasted that your Christmas preparations are largely done. Ours have hardly started though I have parcelled and sent off gifts to my relations in France and Ireland. Nice to see your tree is adorned with tradtional Victorian fibreoptic lights!

  10. Your house looks lovely Helen. Love the Aussie card. I hope you can remember whats on your list.
