Monday, December 19, 2011


My first celebration of Christmas 2011 is now completed.
Under my belt you could say - in more ways than one !!!

Sally and I made the trip to Hervey Bay for Christmas with the family up there while Tony stayed here to look after Baker and Dash.

Dad was very happy to spend some time with his beloved grand daughter...

a little quality one-on-one time before the rowdy group made hearing difficult for him.

Tall stories and reminiscences.

while Grand-ma was busy ( as usual ) in the kitchen doing last minute preparations for dinner for nine people ( she's 89and a half !!)

Preparing custard for the Christmas pudding.
It's nice to see them happy and enjoying life in their lovely Retirement Village.


After two nights we set off for home once again and after about one and a half hours we were in Gympie and ready for a break from driving.

We found this cute Tea / Coffee Shop.

The coffee was good......

in pretty cups

and the tempting cakes and biscuits were too good to refuse !

It's not looking good on the diet front !!!

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  1. Glad you both had a good time with your parents. Hope your genes are as good as theirs obviously are!! It loos so odd to see your Dad in shorts at a table with Christmas crackers on it! What a lovely girl your Sally looks and how lucky she is to have a grandfather Kathryn's only grandfather died when she was but 6 months old however she was lucky enough to have 2 grandmothers. The coffee shop looks lovely and that chocolate tiffin bar delicious - you could always forgo Christmas lunch couldn't you?!

  2. It sounds like a lovely trip.I have been to the supermarket this morning and bought all sorts of naughty things which I know I will regret in January when I get on the scales but hey ho its Xmas!!

  3. You've been busy! How lovely though. It's always great to meet up with family members. Have a lovely Christmas. Ros

  4. Looks/sounds like you had a wonderful family visit. The coffee shop looks wonderful!

  5. I dont know whether my comment went through Helen. Just saying I am sorry I haven't been able to get to you so much this year.Doesn't mean I am not thinking of you.
    Great post and how nice to see your family. Sally is a pretty girl.
    Wishing you all the very best, enjoy yourselves Suex.
