Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Always ready to make fools of ourselves !

Click here for our Christmas performance.

Yesterday I broke down and made a Christmas cake.
I haven't made one for years as I am the one who ends up eating it and I don't need the calories.

Only a boiled fruit cake with a tin of crushed pineapple added to make it tasty and moist.

I'll feed most of it to Tony.
He can fill out those loooong legs a bit !

There's a new card taking up pride of place on the sideboard.

It's winged its way from my blogging friend Kate, who lives in a lovely cottage on a hillside overlooking Glastonbury.
She took the photo from her house.

My dream is to one day have a white Christmas in a place like this.
Many thanks for sending me something to dream on Kath.

Have to win the lottery first as that will mean bringing the family too - Christmas is all about family isn't it?



  1. You guys have some seriously impressive Christmas moves. Loved your card. That cake looks yummy, sounds similar to one I make. Have a wonderful Christmas.
    Anne xx

  2. Love the card .. my daughter did the same one but I swear it looks different...

    Merry Christmas!!

  3. You'd have made the journey in vain this year as it's mild and damp here and Glastonbury doesn't actually look like that at the moment! Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2012.

  4. Hi Helsie, glad the card arrived! as Jane says, it's mild and damp today but we live in hope of a nice snowfall any day soon (fingers crossed).
    Talking of cakes, my Husband made his own and last night iced it. When I came down this morning there was a usting of white all over the whole kitchen- not snow, but icing sugar LOL

  5. we have no snow this year (unlike the lastt few) but a bright blue sky!
    Merry Christmas!
