Saturday, July 9, 2011


Why is it, that just when you are expecting visitors to stay, these monsters start to play up?

We've had no hot water for two nights and it is the weekend !!!
Triple time if you call out an electrician or plumber.

Add to that we are expecting the coldest nights this year. 
Down to -2C is predicted for here on Sunday night !

To top it off the visitors are my 89 year old parents coming to stay !!!!!

The electrician has promised to arrive bright and early on Monday morning so let's hope the solution is easy! ( like an element or thermostat ).

I'm becoming a fair dinkum quilter!
I'm beginning to gather together a stash !!
I picked these up recently.

I'm planning to use them for a quilt for Project Love and Care which was started by Anne George.

( here's one I made from a panel last week )

These pretties are for a project later in the week, on Thursday to be exact.

Let's hope I have something good to show you on Friday.

I expect I'll be too busy to post very often if at all this week but I'm certain that I'll squeeze in some time to scoot around the blogs to see what you are all up to.


  1. Oh Helen! Do hope you get the hot water sorted and that your parents are not too chilly over the weekend! Or you of course! Your quilting is beautiful and I am in awe of anyone who can do that sort of work.

  2. OOh is it catching? First Shay and now you. Fingers crossed for you.

  3. What pretty colours you are using for your next project.
    Hope your hot water gets sorted very quickly!
    I have to post as anonymous as small comment boxes wont accept a comment!
    Elizabethd, Frenchvillagelife.

  4. Hi Helen,
    Tutorial up and waiting for you.
    Cheers....Bernard (Naughty but helpful)

  5. Do you remember saying this?
    "Clever you!
    Perhaps a tutorial would be a good idea - then we can all film ourselves topless and pole dancing!!!
    I do. :)
    He,he, he!

  6. Ahhhhh, no hot water and in winter too. Hope that gets sorted out real soon.
    Happy quilting this week. It would appear that you are addicted now. :)
    Anne xx

  7. You KNOW I hear your pain because exactly the same thing happened to me 2 weeks ago. I hope they fix it fast for you!(and with minimal financial pain)

  8. Hope it's something simple!

    Love the fabrics, very pretty colors.

  9. Bernard ! No! Never ! You must have dreamt it!!
    "Twas another Helsie !!

  10. Hope the cold problem is solved. That stash is very lovely

  11. I hope you get it sorted before your parents come and I hope you all have lots of fun.
    -2 and no water is very grim.
    I like the spots!
