Wednesday, July 6, 2011


The cooler weather has prompted a bit of action in the kitchen

plus the fact that my parents are coming to visit for a week.

A batch of Anzac biscuits for all those cups of tea.

I've been browsing through this new cookery book.

I've picked a few recipes to try.

Oven baked risotto

I think I'll try this one first.

Oven baked chicken breast with eggplant, tomato and cheese.
I'll let you know the verdict.



  1. I have a couple of Donna Hay cookbooks, they are usually nice with simple ingredients and usually pretty tasty too. The oven baked risotto looks good as does the chicken.
    I had a salad today for lunch as it was so warm here. Too warm to think about winter casseroles. Mmmmm yum, Anzac biscuits.

  2. I have tried an oven baked risotto from the BBC and it works a treat if you measure the liquid and rice orrectly you end up with a perfectly cooked risotto without all that stirring and gradual adding of liquid - anything which makes life easier is good in my book! Hope you will have a good time with your parents -lucky you tohave them still!

  3. Mmmm... lovely stew and lovely looking chicken. Do say what it was like. It sounds scrummy.
    I tried a Delia oven baked risotto once. Not hugely successful. I had to keep checking it and pouring more liquid in. Even then it ended up too dry. Still, please try it because you may have better luck.

  4. Drooling.... Over Baked Risotta. Please, please make for me soon and include the recipe. You are quite the cook, even in retirement.

  5. Never tried baked risotto.....or Anzac biscuits either!

  6. Ohhhh, the chicken and eggplant is a dish that sounds like something I could try with a smile! Yummmmm
