Thursday, July 28, 2011


It's time for Favourite Things Friday once again and for a change I'm ready.
If you'd like to join in just pop over to Quilting in My Pyjamas and link in.

Today my favourite thing is ......


I know I have posted about Wattle ( Mimosa to non- Aussies ) here and here before but when it's Wattle Time I just can't resist.

To me, nothing symbolises Australia more than the Wattle.

Our National Colours of green and gold come from the Wattle tree.

When we were out and about on Sunday I took some wattle photos.

In just one small area there were four different types of wattle.
As there are no less than 985 different varieties of wattle in Australia this is no surprise.
The above photos are my absolute favourite -  ZigZag Wattles.

If you look carefully in this photo you can see the zigzag stems and really golden flowers.

This variety growing about 10 metres away has much paler, smaller flowers and small, fine leaves.

This one has lovely silver grey foliage.....

and bright lemon flowers and was only a few steps further on.

I've previously shown you photos of the Cootamundra Wattle that grows in the south where it's colder.
It puts on a spectacular show.

But I don't think any of them smell as good as the old common Mulga wattle that grows everywhere in the bush.

Not at all spectacular to look at,

pale flowers made up of small pom poms,

but oh, the perfume !

Eau de Oz !!



  1. Wattle do you know? Now I know wattle. Cute post Helsie.

  2. I can appreciate that you love wattle, but I am allergic to it so wattle time is torture for me! It is striking to look at, but that's it for me!

  3. What lovely pictures! The wattle is beautiful!

  4. How beautiful. Lovely sunny colour and if it smellls good to what's not to love? Something we don't have here though it does grow in the south of France.

  5. Your wattle photo's are gorgeous. I really like the ones with the silver grey foliage as they are the most common in the area where I grew up.
    The yellow and green is quite striking and very different.
    Beautiful Favourite.

  6. I love the name as well as the photos. ☺ Great Favourite. Thanks for sharing. Happy FTF! ☺

  7. In my country, mimosas are pink, jacarandas are purple, and no one has ever heard of wattle.

  8. Lovely pictures. The colours are delightful. Until I read this post I had never even heard of Australian wattle - to me wattle was something used with "daub" in a primitive building process. You learn something every day.

  9. It's very Australian -yellow wattle. I love seeing all the wattles in bloom. My favourite is the same as Mistea- the silver grey wattle bush. Have you ever used wattle in any recipes? Apparently it falls under the heading of bush tucker.

    You are the wattle queen Helsie. Thanks for linking up to FTF this week .

  10. Gorgeous photos. Wattle = mimosa I didn't know that. Thank you for the educational post!

  11. Beautiful. Good to meet you via FTF!

  12. It is beautiful. Just wish I knew what it smelt like. I had no idea there were all those different kinds.
    Maybe our June laburnum is the equivalent. Wonder if you saw that when you were over in May. Things were earlier this year.
