Thursday, June 2, 2011


Each week we have tried to do a walk in the area where we are staying.
This time it was a visit to Carding Mill Valley.

The idea is you start in the valley and climb up to the top where the views are to die for.

So off we went, gradually at first but the going got steeper

and steeper.

Now really, I ask you!! Does this look like a gentle stroll to you?

We continued up and up and up ....

...till the top finally came into view........

and there were the glorious views.
We walked along the flat bit at the top that I think is part of something called the Long Mynde.

Then it was back down - seemed much quicker than going up and much easier to watch the views.

Before long we were back down in the almost deserted car park.

Lovely spot.

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  1. Thanks for getting me my exercise this morning. I needed that stroll and feel so much better now.... Don't you just get irked when they call those walks {hikes} a stroll in the meadow. But, we are always glad when we get to the top for the view.

  2. Oh but so worth it wasn't it for that view? Are you home agaain now? Glad the photos came through this time!

  3. Im so enjoying this tour around the UK. The views are superb and the country side is lovely.

    Gald to see you're having so much fun.

  4. I have really enjoyed this post. The Carding Mill Valley is on my list of places to visit and it's not too far from where my boyfriend lives but we have never managed to get there yet!

    Circumstances have changed and he's moving so I'm trying to work through a list of places to visit before he moves, I must add the CMV to it!

  5. What beautiful photos. A very inspiring post. Wonder if you have ever read any of A. E. Housman's 'A Shropshire Lad'? It is a collection of poems and it includes beautidul descriptions of places in Shropshire, places where you have been.
    I will have a look at your other posts soon.
