Sunday, May 29, 2011


Last time we were in England we didn't visit Stratford-upon-Avon so we thought we would remedy the situation this time.
We were experiencing very changeable weather - some sun, some rain, some thunder storms - all were in the forecast for the day.

Stratford-upon-Avon is a very pretty town on the river Avon and actually has a marina where the river and a canal meet.
These canals are very interesting to us we don't have them in Oz.
( sorry photo wouldn't load !)

The house where Shakespeare was born is in a pedestrianised section of the old town.
There is a purpose built entry to it where you pass through a school excursion-like section with a commentary full of "probably" and " might be" !!

Viewed from the rear the house had very pretty gardens.

Inside were low ceilings, uncomfortable looking beds and tiny rooms where dramatisations of snippets of Shakespeare were acted out by costumed performers.

There was a glassed section to reveal a bit of wattle and daub too.

After sheltering from the rain and having a bite of lunch we set off to walk the one mile to Anne Hathaway's house and were caught half way by another thunder storm!!
 Luckily we found a church to shelter in till it passed .

The house was worth the walk - sooooo pretty from the outside.....

with lovely gardens set out in all directions of the farm.

( note the next storm looming overhead )

Inside was another story and I have decided (not fot the first time ) that I am very glad that I did not live in those days.

We managed to wait in the rain for 30 minutes ( with only one umbrella 'cos he-men don't use umbrellas - until it rains!!!) then caught a bus back into the centre of the town !

An interesting day but very touristy.

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  1. Sorry that the weather wasn't good for you but then it is fairly typical for England! I have to admit I have never been to Stratford upon Avon. Enjoy the remaining couple of days of your hols and hope to hear from you again on your return home.

    Jane (Marigold Jam)

  2. Love the houses and gardens. I can't imagine living in those days, how did they survive with no Internet?

  3. I can imagine how tourist-y, but I'd still put this on my list of "Go See It's." Sounds like you have had a wonderful excursion!

  4. Gosh it was 20 years ago that I was there, how pretty it is, love your photos.

  5. Absolutely beautiful.

  6. And that is why they are called "English Gardens". Hey, I'm having some Aussie Treats here in my garden. When are you heading back home?
