Wednesday, June 29, 2011


This month I found it hard to get motivated so I left it to the last moment to try to collect these photos.
The last couple had me really  searching for inspiration.

So here they are , my photos for June in no particular order.

1. a farm animal

A close encounter while out walking in Shropshire in May this year.

2. Architectural detail

A very pretty window in Cambridge - taken in 2008.

3.  Cheese

Where else but France of course - Paris to be exact, May 2010

4. Night

Lynton, Devon 2011

5.  Tree branches

An ancient oak

6. An elephant

Well, elephants really. They belonged to my grandmother.
Trunks pointing to the front door for good luck !

 7. Cutlery

In my kitchen

8. Wheel trim

Vroom, vroom

9. The view right outside your door

Suburbia. Not very inspiring. We used to be able to see the skyscape of the city in the distance!

10. Something with your town's name on it.

Can't see it? Here's a closeup!

Brisbane (Queensland  Australia ) CityCat river ferry

11. Something beginning with z

Zero key on my computer
12. A childhood memory

There was once a little girl who liked to dress up as a fairy.

That's the lot for June 2011.



  1. Ahhhhh.... the fairy one is the best!

  2. Love how your photos become trips down memory lane. Cute fairy ;-)

  3. I like the silverwary one, love the color cast you managed. Very fun shots, all of them.

  4. These are fabulous photos. There looks to be some very interesting cheeses in France. Something to look forward to next year when we visit.
    I love the photo of you dressed as a fairy. The star on the must have been in heaven. :)
    Have a fab. day,
    Anne xx

  5. Got them all again. I must play some time soon. It's a fun way to post, when nothing to post or your still chugging along on the circles. Besides, who wants to see the g.b.'s yarn all the time.

  6. Great that last one! Your cheese selection is so much more exotic than anything I was able to find! :0)

  7. Lovely mixed set of photos Helen. Love the fairy (!) and the Lynton at Night pics. This is such a great idea - who dreams up the categories each month?

  8. ...And was there once a little boy called Tony who also used to like to dress up as a fairy?

  9. A lovely set of photos!

    In answer to your question, we walked Dimmingsdale in around 3 hours and it was 5.6 miles in total. It takes us a while because I faff and dawdle looking at things, chatting with the animals and taking photographs!

  10. You really do take amazing photographs. I love the architectural detail picture this month-that would look utterly stunning done in black and white.

    How cute are you in fairy costume!

  11. Blast ! How did Yorkshire Pudding find out my secret ?

  12. I can see you all have a great time with your hunts

  13. Great set of photos, I too could not get going with this months scavenger hunt photos!
