Monday, June 27, 2011


I've just been reading this book.

I liked it very much.

I decided that I would like to see the movie, but when I looked to see session times it is not showing any longer.

This happened to me with The Lincoln Lawyer too.
It seems the only movies that stay around for ages are kids movies!!!!
At the moment that's all that's available because it's school holidays.

I think they lose a lot when you watch them at home on DVD but I guess that's the only alternative

unless .....

perhaps they are showing on the inflight movies on long haul flights .....

to  Paris ... or   Zurich .... or   Rome   for instance.

I'd better start my research.



  1. Helen that is a perfect reason for taking a flight somewhere - lol :-)

  2. Loved it. Maybe, it's coming out on DVD soon to rent. Oh, do you have that over there. Our library carries it too. Maybe, a flight to Chicago.

  3. Is that a hint ? A new reason to buy an air ticket. To watch a movie !!!

  4. We would rather watch movies on DVD especially with our big screen HD TV! It's so much more comfortable at home. I totally dislike the small theaters here, people talking, volume too loud etc. etc. That said I'm looking forward to seeing this one.

  5. An expensive night out I'd say that would be! However I can tell you are already thinking of your next holiday!

  6. Yes, I find that a problem too in school holidays. It's all for the kids.
    But I'm lazy; I quite like just watching them at home, avoiding the drive home and the stink of old popcorn.
    Oh, do come back to the UK and watch a film or two on the way.

  7. Love the idea that an overseas trip is neccesary to watch movies you've missed. I like your style!

  8. Yes have read the book, and no I haven't seen the movie. I missed it too.
    I do think that is going to the extreme though Helen and unless you are travelling Business or First Class wouldn't it be better to see it in the comfort of your own home.
