Tuesday, May 17, 2011


We decided to visit Port Isaac of Doc Martin fame, a two and a quarter hour drive through Devon into Cornwall.
Driving through this countryside is never a chore as the scenery is magnificent, the roads are good, albeit narrow by Australian standards, but the drivers are very obliging when you come to the very narrow parts through villages. No one seems to lose their cool, patience is abundant, something Australian drivers seem to have lost.

The harbour and village of Port Isaac are situated at an inlet at the bottom of some steep hills and cliffs. The car has to be parked at the top and a short walk of 500 yards down the hill to the village and harbour.

As you enter the village, the typical Cornwall fishing village appears - white painted stone cottages lining the cliffs overlooking the harbour with narrow roads and little walkways around these lovely little cottages.

It really is picture perfect.

We managed to find Doc Martin’s house, the school and restaurant buildings used in the series.

We settled for a lunch Cornish pasties sitting on the rock wall of the harbour.

How will we ever settle back into routine at home?

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  1. Lovely. So glad your holiday is going well x

  2. How lucky for you to have this wonderful holiday, a lot of memories you are making. HUGS MARY

  3. So pretty! Thanks for sharing your visit!

  4. Have just found you will enjoy reading your lovely blog.Lesley

  5. Cornwall is stunning isn't it? So glad you are enjoying your holiday. Where to next?!

  6. Those are beautful photos. Yes, I have trouble settling back after a long weekend. A fortnight seems like months. What will it be like being back at home after all these weeks you are having?!

  7. Oh to be in England when the Maytime blossom hangs heavy o'er the hedgerows and Australian travellers leave pasty crumbs all over our picture perfect villages. Sure you are not being sponsored by the English Tourist Board?

  8. How lovely it all is and I have enjoyed seeing these places anew, through your Aussie eyes :-D

  9. I agree Port Isaac is lovely.A close friend of ours was brought up there and one of hos schoolfriends still mans the car parking on the beach.When we were there last summer they were actually filming Doc Martin.martin Clunes was there and most of the others.I had my photo taken with the one who plays the policeman and had a lovely chat with him.We then couldn't wait for the episode to be on TV.

  10. Doc Martin is Nick's favourite TV show - don't ask me why!!!!

  11. So lovely! Hubsters and I love Doc Martin!
    Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  12. Sorry, to pop by so late in the trip. I've been tending the garden, finally. What a lovely journey you are having this time. But, it looks like some rain is a foot. Best to Tony, too. Let him know to take more pictures of ya..... Guess you probably know how the G.B. feels about those Doc Martins....

  13. I do hope you meant Cornish pastries....

  14. I want to visit "Port Wenn" one day too, and munch on a Cornish pastie Yum! Glad to see you got your Friends widget working again Helsie. Not sure you will find this post buried so deeply in your blog :) But it is nice to stumble across old posts that take your eye.
