Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Clovelly, a pretty, privately owned village, is a very picturesque tangle of slate roofed cottages tumbling down the side of a very steep cliff to a tiny harbour. 

Pretty white cottages line the cobbled laneway that splits the village in half.

Rona and Terry (friends from Australia ) joined us for the day on our visit.

When this was a busy fishing village in the 19th century, donkeys with sleds were used to haul the catch up the side of the hill. They still have the donkeys there today and of course they are popular for the usual tourist photography.

Terry and Tony managed to walk the whole distance down to the harbour wall but Rona and I ran out of puff /decided we had gone far enough and could see everything from where we were with 50 metres to go.

The climb back to the car was very steep, but with plenty of rest stops with the background of this lovely village, the walk didn’t seem too punishing.


On the way back to Lynton we stopped at a large thatched roof pub called The Hoops Inn for a cream tea.

We found out that Sir Walter Raleigh and legendry seafarers used to drink here.
Of course we had to ask the owner, a lovely lady , where Sir Walter used to sit.

Amongst a lot of laughter and banter she pointed out this high backed chair which Terry and Tony proceeded to have their photos taken in !

I wonder if she guessed we came from Australia?


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  1. It's donkey's years (pardon the pun) since I went to Clovelly but I don't suppose it has changed any. Glad you enjoyit/ Where now?

  2. What a lovely little village. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Beautiful place! Looks like you had fun!

  4. I love Clovelly too, but it is very hard work getting down and then back up again.Loved all your photos.

  5. I was just wondering if the donkeys were still there and there they were!
    Glad you enjoyed it, when we were there, Clovelly had an icecream stand with about 30 different flavours!

  6. The cobbled streeets are so different to home arent they?

    I can tell you're having a complete hoot.

  7. When you asked the landlady where Walter Raleigh used to sit, I think she believed you had accidentally omitted an "h"... so who's laughing now Tony!

  8. I love Clovelly, you are lucky not to be there in August - to say it is crowded is an understatement. Lovely pics

  9. Well, you grabbed my attention with "privately owned village." Beautiful place, though!!!

  10. It really is beautiful. Sweet little donkey too!

  11. The West Country is so special isn't it. Lovely photos Helsie. You have chosen the right time to visit. July and August will be thronging, especialy if we have the 'barbecue summer' we keep being promised;-) !!

    Happy holidays!

