Monday, February 7, 2011


Christmas has been and gone for more than a month and I have forgotten to show you one of my gifts!

Do you remember that previously I have told you about my very talented SIL?
I have written about her mosiacs here and her tea cosies here.

She does all sorts of clever things, mosaics and tea cosies are but two of her specialties.
You can imagine that her Christmas gifts are eagerly anticipated, especially by ME !

This was last year's Christmas gift........

I love, love, love it!

....... and this is this year's gift.

A beautiful mosaic hanging basket.

As well as broken china she has included little pottery leaves, hearts and flowers she has made herself.
Can you see the tiny bird perched near the top?

There's even a tiny cat ! ......It's a button!

and a little house too.

Now I'm off to find a suitable plant.



  1. LOVE those mosaics - how lucky you are!

  2. How very beautiful!!! Would love to have a SIL like that! Such talent.
    Love your blog...Blessings from West Texas.

  3. Very pretty. Love the blue and white potter look and the neat little things that keep you looking to see what else is there.

  4. How beautiful Helen! What a talented lady, the blue and white is wonderful and love the cockerel! x

  5. How very clever and pretty your gifts are. There are some very talented people about aren't there?


  6. Your hanging planter is gorgeous. How inspiring. I wish I had a sister in law like that!

  7. I love your mosaics, how cute are some of the pieces, I love the cat.

  8. Back again Helen.
    I hope you saw your Square in the Friendship Blanket on Flickr and on SIBOL.
    Today I have your other Squares in No. 53. Please pop over and have a look when you have a minute. They were so good to work with. I'm sorry I couldn't put the red one in the centre of the Friendship Blanket in the end. pertinitaco sent me a large square which I had to put in the middle.
    Hope you are okay and enjoy looking at your beautiful Squares. I am most grateful Helen,
    thank you,
    Hugs Suex

  9. What a lovely and very original gift - SIL is a keeper

  10. Thanks for popping over to the UK Helen.
    I'm pleased you have seen your square in the F. Blanket and also in Grape Jelly no. 53. I'm so...sorry it's taken me awhile to use your squares, but I colour group them. Then they have to wait until I can get to them.I'm pleased you think it looks okay. The feel of the yarn was just wonderful to work with. I thoroughly enjoyed playing with your beautiful Squares thank you! Of course I would be honoured to receive a 'crocheted Square' sometime. I hope you are getting on with it okay and enjoying it.
    Love Suex

  11. That is so cute and just think, you have a one-off and it was made with you in mind, can't get any better than that! Shame about not being able to meet you in the Spring, I doubt we will get to Oz so I shall have to wait till next time!!

  12. Wow, those are just gorgeous -- I love the bird house but the planter is so impressive! A one of a kind gift both of them!

  13. Lovely. I did see the little bird and the cat. There's a chicken on the hanging basket as well.

  14. Helen thank you for the kind comments.
    It's been quite an experience as you can imagine! Such fun seeing the girls reach different milestones, walking, talking...
    But at the same time hard work. I lived quite a way from mom when I had the girls. When they were two I moved back by mom. So she's been very supportive and the rest of my family. They've enjoyed every minute too as you can imagine. Yes 25 today, beautiful young ladies and we are extremely proud of them both.
    Thanks for your sweet comments,
    Hugs Suex

  15. love it!
    I can't wait to see the plant you decide to put in there!

    I just love handmade gifts, especially when they're practical!

    Happy FTF
