Sunday, February 6, 2011


Thank you for all the comments about our holiday in England in 2008.
I have given you just a taste of all the wonderful places we discovered.

Oh ! the bluebells !

You can see from them how easy it is to fall in love with England.

Blenheim Palace

Lovely Chatsworth House

It was everything we hoped and much, much more and we were lucky to have the TIME to spend - so much better than just driving through these places as you do on tours though of course if that is all you are able to do it is better than not seeing them at all, I guess.

Haddon House in the Peak District

I booked all the cottages myself on the internet and every one was exactly as shown in the photos and very affordable to boot, so we have been lucky there as well.

Rock Cottage, Winster

inside - home  sweet home !

This involves lots of research of course, but that is half the fun.

Jasmine Cottage, Askrigg

We leave on the next part of our English adventure on 29th April and will be away for a month staying one week in each of the places on the map  -
Dorchester, Lynton , near Ludlow and Great Missenden.

We plan to spread out from these points every day while we explore the area.

(I know THE wedding will be happening while we are en route - I'll have to record it for when we come home, but I'm sure there will be lots about it on TV when we arrive on Saturday morning early.

Of course we'll have our laptop with us and you know what I'm like when I'm on hols - can't wait to share it all with you!!
Perhaps when we return I'll go into business -
Helsie's Blogging Friends Escorted Holidays in England !

- now wouldn't that be fun?

This one's for you YP !!



  1. Beautiful places. We've stayed at a few bed and breakfast's that have cottages attached here in the states. It's a wonderful way to travel.

  2. This one's for me Helen? A big strapping Aussie bloke? Well you may be trying to get rid of him but I am not that kind of guy! You can keep him. After all you will need him to carry the bags during your next English vacation. I know what you mean about the joy of internet planning of holidays - and then seeing it all work out.

  3. Im so excited for you. Make sure you take pictures of EVERYTHING to show us.

  4. Maybe we could be partners in that business venture Helen?! So looking forward to your visit and hoping that you will go back with more lovely memories and photos!


  5. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time, with so much to see.

  6. That sounds so exciting, yes, you have to take lots and lots of photos.

  7. You chose some fantastic places, for both 2008 and 2011. I almost said 'What wedding? Who's getting married?' I remember now!
