Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY - The Clean-up Continues

( All photos from local newspapers )


  1. But I see there are still some people with a sense of humour. Wishing you much drier times, the radio tells today that you are forecast yet more rain though. Thinking of you all.

  2. What a mess - but how lovely to see the community pulling together, they say a picture paints a thousand words - and yours do Helen. Take care xx

  3. My goodness me.What a mess.Good to see everyone "mucking" in to help.What's the temperature like?

  4. With courage let us all combine
    To advance Australia fair.

  5. What a mess! Looks as if there is a real Blitz spirit there though which helps. Hope for so0me dry weaher now at least for a while. Those poor folk who have lost so much eh?! Wordless indeed - no words necessary here!

    Jane x

  6. I have been so encouraged by the way that people have pulled together and got on with the task of helping one another with the clean up.

  7. Oh what a mess! Hope that things are slowly getting better. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  8. Thank you for letting me see what a contrast Australia is to the U.S., where people would sit on their ruined front porches for years, waiting for the government to come do something. Bless you all.

  9. It looks terrible. It is heartening to see people smiling.
