Friday, January 21, 2011


Oops, I nearly missed FTF today.
I'm joining Mrs Pyjamas over on Quilting in My Pyjamas. If you'd like to join us just click on the button on my sidebar.

Today my Favourite Thing is.....


Some of our friends did all their tripping around when they were young but we stayed home, bought a house and had our family.
Then came the growing years that took all our time and money.
Then teenagers and secondary schooling. We scrimped and saved for private schools and holidays went out the window.

BUT .....

Since the kids grew up and left home we've finally been able to scrape some cash together for some  lovely holidays overseas.
We've visited .....
New Zealand
(pre- digital so no photo I'm afraid)

Canada and Alaska


and France

My feet are getting itchy again.......

I'm planning a short holiday overseas......

I'll tell you about it soon !



  1. Oh I do hope you are planning to come back to England again! Sounds as if you have been enjoying your retirement with lots of trips to far flung places.


  2. can't wait to hear about your next trip! We had our kids young, too - and are looking forward to the time when we can travel like you and your husband! Until then, I'll live vicariously through other people :)

  3. Ditto! The pics are great, especially the Scotland one. Where are you thinking of going on your next holiday?

  4. Can't wait to hear where the new trip will be!

    I've got the itch for a holiday, too, but I think it may have to wait for a bit. Until then, I'll enjoy your photos.

  5. After all the excitement of the last few weeks, you definitely deserve a holiday. Come to London!!

  6. I'm envious of all your wonderful holiday making! Looks like you've had a fantastic time on your overseas jaunts(And really it's high time to spoil yourself !)

    Like you I've had other priorities other than travelling for the last 20 years . I need to make it a priority.

    Love the pic of you in tartan. Thanks for hsaring this one for FTF. Cant wait to hear about your plans.

  7. I love a holiday too, especially overseas one, I'm getting itchy feet too and would love to get away later in the year. In the meantime I'm planning a short trip closer to home to visit some pretty darn good friends!

  8. What a great favorite. The Scotland photo is really fun. How do you manage the air travel? My husband has been to Darwin a few times.

  9. What a great favorite! I'm hoping to hit a few of those places once The Kids are on their own. So glad to see you guys enjoying your couple time!

  10. When we got old enough, my parents started going on trips up to Queensland. I suppose you started there, so the only way you guys could go on holiday "up north" is the northern hemisphere.

  11. Love the Scottish photo Helen! Tony looks so cool in that tartan skirt! He could be the next Dame Edna! You also look cute in your tartan outfit. It would be great to see you doing a highland skirl over crossed swords. I look forward to reading your next holiday plans. South Africa? India? Japan? Or perhaps... Townsville?

  12. Wait... don't tell me you are finally going to hit the U.S..... You know you are always welcome here outside the windie city. The amazing thing is... I think I've been on all these trips with you two. Can't wait to hear where your next journey will take you and when.

  13. I love holidays too. Is the English one the Yorkshire Dales?

  14. I am so itching to join you on an overseas jaunt. I had my kids and home when I was young. All our travelling then was all over this wonderous country of ours. Still love to visit places I haven't been to here yet.
    Can't wait to know where you are off to.
