Saturday, January 29, 2011


Somehow I managed to publish this post when it was half finished.
Sorry about that but here it is, all finished for January.

January's Scavenger Hunt
I've joined Kathy and Lyn  in a Picture Scavenger Hunt for January.
It's been fun.
 Some photos are from my collection
 and some I have had to search out and photograph especially for the task.
You can click on the photos to enlarge them.

Here they are:
1. an abandoned building

The area where I live is an outer suburb that is semi-rural - a mix of acreage and streets with suburban allotments.
I love these old corrugated iron farm sheds from the original farms of the area

2. a stained glass window

Taken at Notre Dame, Paris in April 2010

3. a goldfish

Patience required to get him out from behind those weeds.

4. yarn

Currently being used for my large granny square blanket.

5. playground equipment

In our recently flooded riverside park - luckily it escaped any damage.
6. a library

Part of my "library"  here at home

7. a tombstone over 100 years old

You don't know how hard it was to find this one.
The first settlement of Brisbane was around the 1830s so these members of the Shield family ( who all died in 1901, 1908 and 1906 )  would have been pioneers of the area where I live. I found it in our little local cemetery.

8. your front door

Welcome! Come in and have a cuppa.

9. a reflective surface ... not a mirror

Patricia Lake, Jasper, Canada. Taken during a holiday in 2007.

10. something out of place

I don't know about you, but this sure looks out of place in a suburban front yard to me !!!

11. nature

Surge of floodwater in the Brisbane River not far from my house. Taken 10/01/11

12. bubbles

That's it !
I'm looking forward to next month's list.



  1. Loved this post - isn't that window amazing and I LOVE your front door!

    The phot hunt sounds like such fun!

  2. That window is amazing - love to see it
    As for the tombstones - I have heaps on my computer that are over a 100 years old (and lots that are younger too) - genealogy, you collect funny things

  3. The window is my favourite. I like th eyarn too. Your house has a very grand entrance, Lady Helsie indeed!

  4. I love the idea of the scavenger hunt for photos. You're pictures are wonderful. I particularly like the yarn and unfortu nately, the flood. Your photo of Patricia Lake looks a lot like one I took of Jackson Lake (Wyoming) with the Teton Range in the background. Keep snapping; I will be following you.

  5. Great photos - I like the story about the Shield family pioneers. I've enjoyed taking part in the Photo Scavenger Hunt and look forward to seeing what next month's topics are:)

  6. Jumping Jehoshaphat! Your front door is so imposing! Do you have a butler and maid servants? When exactly did you win the Lotto?

  7. You've got some lovely photos there. The reflection one is stunning , love the giraffes too

  8. This is the first time I've visited your blog...looks like we have a lot in common! I also did the scavenger hunt...your stained glass window is incredible! Nice job on all your photos! I will be looking forward to doing scavenger hunt again. Fun!

  9. Wonderful photos. I especially like one of the old tin shed.

  10. Hello, I've just found your link through The Scavenger Hunt. I have a fascination for stained glass, your photo is lovely. Also the giraffes are good fun, even out of place! Love the goldfish too!

    I hope you managed to escape the floods. My step-brother lives in Goodna, and had damage. A very worrying time for you all.

    I live in the UK, but have visited Australia on two occasions now, and love it. I shall enjoy your blog. x

  11. Dear Helsie, You have a wonderful BlogSpot! I've really enjoyed reading through some of your recent posts; especially the one about your dog cheeky dog chewing the sheets. I've also joined in on the tail end of Kathy's photo scavenger hunt. I thought I'd catch up and do the January list. What a lot of fun my family and I had on the weekend. You have a great collection of photos... Well Done! Wishing you a happy day. With love and care from Kerrie. xOx
