Thursday, January 27, 2011


It's Friday again so I'm joining Mrs Pyjamas in Favourite Things Friday.
Just click on the button on my sidebar and take a look.

Today my favourite thing is this.....

 I love this clock.
I'm not particularly a clock lover or collector.
I don't know what kind of clock it is.
It's not terribly valuable, I just love the look of it.

It was an  present from Tony years and years ago.

It has a little brother.

Don't remember where he came from but he lives in my bedroom and the big fellow takes pride of place on the hall stand in our entry.



  1. They are both really lovely. I used to have a clock like that, I inherited it from my grandmother. It was painted with beautiful tiny roses on a black background. Unfortunately the humidity here ruined the paint and it all peeled off, then one of the cats knocked it over - I no longer have it:(

  2. How cool! I love that there is a mini one too!

  3. I love that there is a mini version too!

  4. They're beautiful classic clocks arent they Helsie? My Mum has one she inherited from her mother and I've always loved it.

    It's wonderful you have a pair! The little one is so cute!

    Thanks for linking up again this week. I always enjoy seeing your posts.

  5. I love watching the movement on that kind of clock. It's mesmerizing. Yours is beautiful!

  6. My brother, since deceased, gave one of these to my mother who cherishes it to this day.
    They are classics.

  7. So pretty! I love your favorite.

  8. Hi Helen,
    Lovely clock! I can't believe you're hot there and we are absolutely freezing today! No snow thank goodness though.
    I had a carriage clock when I got engaged in 1981 from the company I worked for.All the men put together for it and they had it engraved for us. I treasure that clock. I've only had one breakdown in all these years and its just so sentimental! I treasure it.
    have a nice weekend.
    SIBOL hit the magazine today! Pop over click on the picture and then click again it goes bigger!
    Hugs Suex

  9. Oh my grandma had one like that...what a nice Ftf

  10. Ah, it's pretty and the baby brother is super cute!

  11. Great clocks, very pretty, very classic.

  12. I love that you have a big one and a little one. Hope things are getting back to normal down there, and the clean up is going well.

  13. A beautiful clock, does the bottom move back and forwards? I think my gran had one like that :-)

  14. Good evening Helen! Love your clocks! I have an almost identical one sitting in out bedroom. It belonged to my mother. Hope you are having a lovely weekend. Ros

  15. Soo they are too far away to 'tock' to each other!
