Saturday, January 1, 2011


Another year has gone by .... sooo quickly.
I think it's a sign of age , this quick passing of time.

 We planned a quiet night here - just dinner with two good friends.
We made it to midnight - just!
From our front lawn we can see the firework display far away in the city.
We sat out there on the grass and watched. The weather was pleasant with a balmy breeze.....

.. and today a New Year's Day brunch that went all day.
A yearly get together - you could almost call it ritual - with a group of dear friends, old neighbours we've known for twenty years.
It will be a relaxed end to Christmas then life will go back to normal

and we'll stop all this eating !!

I'm rather looking forward to it.

So, my dear blogland friends,
 thank you for a year spent meeting you and visiting you in your homes.
Thank you for your kind words and your friendship, your recipes and encouragement.
Thank you for the laughs and fun we've had along the way.
I hope you all have a happy and healthy year ahead
and we can continue to tred this blogging path together

 - it is such fun!



  1. Happy New Year Helen and Tony - all the best for 2011.

  2. Happy New Year to you and your family, Helen. It's a very wet and drizzly New Year's Day here in the UK. It's been good to call in on you over the past year. Looking forward to another year of blobby adventures. Ros

  3. Ha ha! That should have said BLOGGY adventures ;-) Ros

  4. Cheers Helen, I'll drink to that!

  5. Happy New Year to you and your family, I hope you have a truly wonderful 2011. Looking forward to sharing it with you!

    Kate x

  6. Happy New Year to you and yours Helen. Grey and mild here today but we have sunshine forecast for tomorrow! Here's to another year of blogging friendship.

    Jane x

  7. I too hope you have un-blobby adventures Helsie, and plenty of lovely bloggy ones. (especially on that new whizz bang computer of yours)

    Happy 2011 to you and your family!

  8. I like your new koala pic and the clinking glasses. Glad you are OK. My geography of Australia is terrible, so when I saw the devastating Queensland floods on telly last night I was hoping you were nowhere near.

  9. It sounds like you welcomed the New Year in style! I was pretty sleepy through the first DVD and then a little more awake through the second but we made it to midnight. I went to bed right away I was so tired. I'm watching the Rose Parade this morning and enjoying the bands and floats. Have a very Happy New Year Helen!

  10. So, sweet of you to pop by. I'm making a promise now to be back to my "normal" self real soon. Wishes for continued fun and fun-filled postings in 2011.


  11. Time to get out the inflatable raft and go boating on the Queensland Sea. Happy New Year Helen!
