Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Well, how are you all feeling today?

I don't know about you but I feel like I might explode at any minute.

The combination of Christmas food and rain means we've been mooching around the house

not doing anything much,

snacking on leftovers,



We've gone through about 5 kilos of ham on the bone ! ( not on our own ! )


Yes, my face is as round as the little koala in my header !!

Things are gonna change



  1. Hallo Helen,
    i guess everybody looks and feels a bit like that after the Christmas days...well i do...and that won`t stop untill after the holidays are over...as you write...things are going to change...i have to loose weight..a lot...but thats what i have said last year..
    nothing is fitting right anymore..but the chocolate and other delicious thingies in the cupboard are still calling out to me...but i wont buy new ones..thats it!!
    Have a fine and safe new year and a healty and creative one...greetings Francien.

  2. After having lost 11 kilos last year , I weighed myself this morning to see that two kilos have found me again over the Christmas break.

    You have never seen a slightly overweight chick jump off the scales so fast in your life!

    Next week-that's it. I'm not going back to being a fatty...I swear I didnt overeat! Ok maybe a little.

    You need to make us all confess in weekly blog posts Helsie.

  3. I feel it too, I have started today on cutting back, now that my visitors have gone back home. It's going to be hard though with lots of lovely nibbly things still in the house.

  4. I think many of us can empathise with you on the weight issue and maybe we should have a weigh-in blog post together to keep each other on the straight and narrow?!

    That little koala is beautiful so don't feel too bad if you look like him but good luck with the new regime and wishing you every success with the weight loss. Keep us posted and we will be encouraged to join you.


  5. "Things are gonna change soon?" Hell, how much MORE are you going to eat Helen? It's time to get one of those fashionable towelling stretch headbands, running shoes and a shellsuit and then veg out in front of the telly. After Christmas excesses, I'm thinking of changing my name to Moby Dick!

  6. Sounds like a lot of us are in the same boat.
    Hope it doesn't sink !!!

  7. One more on the boat - hope I'm not the last straw!!!

  8. Happy New Year to you Helsie! I'm waiting until term starts before thinking about eating sensibly!! Now pass me the chocolates please!

  9. Sounds like us, gorging too much. We hve tried to go for a walk every day but it doesn't scratch the surface. But it's great, eating choc and drinking whenever you want to, just for a while.

  10. Hi Helsie,
    Stumbled across your page when looking at Queensland flood pics and enjoyed it so much that I just had to tell you.
    Sharon, Northern NSW.
