Friday, December 3, 2010


Now that it is December I'm getting into the spirit.
The Christmas spirit that is.

I am beginning to realise that I might actually enjoy Christmas this year!

I'm well on the way with my present shopping.
Not fussing too much and worrying about the gifts
Just cruising ... and choosing things, little tokens that I would be happy to receive.

My friend Lynnie and I have been making a few cards.

We took them to this little market today

These enterprising young ladies had a stall too.

These charming hair clips.....

All their own work

These are a couple of the other stalls

but the weather was wet, wet, wet...
and Queenslanders don't venture out in the rain.
I know, I know we are weak and sooky but we are not used to it.
Remember it hasn't rained for 10 years !

I've started wrapping pressies. Just need to get the tree in place.

And finally...
you know how I hanker after snow...

and a WHITE CHRISTMAS is high on my wish list

Tony has done the best he can for the time being.

Guess it will have to do ...

.... for now !


  1. I love your cards Helsie, and pressies wrapped already. WOW! What a shame your stall was held on a rainy day.
    Today is the first time we haven't had a thunderstorm during the day for over a week. It's like living in the tropics. Weird for where I live in Victoria.
    Enjoy your weekend,

  2. Well done Tony - we would swap your snow globe for the real thing any day I think as we have had enough now!! Love the cards you have made and those hairclips are great how enterprising the young ladies were I do hope they sold them all. It seems so odd to see photos of people at a Christmas Fair dressed in summer clothes even if the rain is quite usual for our Christmas events!

    Hope your Christmas will be good and hassle free!


  3. We have loads of snow here in the UK which you are welcome to, but I don't think we can ship it over somehow! lol. I love your cards, well done.

  4. What a lot of lovely things! Your snow globe made me smile!

  5. Putting your head inside a snow globe ornament! Perhaps Tony needs counselling. If you need snow in Queensland I can send you piles of it. Just provide me with your credit card details and PIN and a container load will be air freighted to you before Christmas.
    Nice post Helen and I learnt a new word even though I don't know what it means - "sooky". Eh?

  6. I love your snow globe! It made me want to run out and buy one for myself.

    Im sorry you didnt get a huge crowd to buy all your cards. I would have bought tons if I'd been there. I love cards.

    Im writing a list today of all the gifts I still need to get and hitting the shops tomorrow since I have a day off. Hopefully that will just about do it for me and I can concentrate on enjoying the leadup to Christmas.

  7. Love that snow globe! - and your cards look great - hope you sold them all.I am over all this rain and I've only been in Brissie a few weeks! I came here to avoid the onset of the wet season!

  8. Aaaahhhh don't you just love feeling Christmassy? I like the big birds with the HUGE eyes in the fifth picture.
    I had a goodies stall at church yesterday with another lady. Photos to follow but I left my camera behind!

  9. Love your snowy globe. Please help yourself to our snow, I have had enough of it already thank you!
