Wednesday, December 1, 2010


 Hello, I'm back.
My goodness I miss you all when I'm away.
There seems to be heaps to catch up on so I'll be cruising around the blogs doing just that over the next couple of days.

After about 10 years of drought it is lovely to regularly see this  from my front door,

and this from the back.

The hills and mountains are almost completely obscured by the rain.

It is keeping the temperature at a very pleasant 27C.

The plants are loving it ...
 ..... and the huge green frog who has taken up residence in here is making quite a racket as he celebrates the rain.

Today I made a purchase that I vowed I would never do.

I bought a pair of these....

Just the thing to wear in the GARDEN.

Nowhere else!

Ideal for there - especially in this weather......

..... but they won't be leaving this property.

I've even seen people on overseas flights wearing these monstrosities !

Do YOU own a pair ?



  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I definitely do not own a pair! However, I can see your point about their usefulness in the garden, but definitely nowhere else. We've had lots of snow here in the UK and temperatures down below 0. Love you header photo, by the way. Ros

  2. Yes, perfect for the garden. But here, no market shopping allowed unless a kid. But, they are wonderful for the weeding... Ok, I do pop into the market in them every so often. Can't wait to watch your summer appear as we have snow coming down today....brrrrr...

  3. I hate them - luckily I have absolutely no need to wear them ☺

  4. Sorry don't agree. I love them and wear them all the time. They are so comfortable and give my feet great support. They are wonderful for camping because I don't have to worry about mud or water ruining leather or fabric shoes. I have several pairs in different colors. And I don't use mine for gardening because I have a pair of garden shoes that are perfect for the yard.

  5. No crocs here...

    And no rain's been hot today. Glad to see your part of the country getting the rain you need.

    And lovely to see you back!

  6. Lovely to see your very green pics and to even think of temperatures in the high 20s as we have snow here today and it's beein below freezing at night for ages and only hovering on 0 degrees during the day with a bitter wind too! I have a pair of similar shoes in bright orange for the garden only - when my daughter saw them she was horrified to think I might be seen wearing them but they are so practical for popping to the compost heap and to fetch the washing in. Needless to say they are not in use in the snow!!

    Thanks for your e-mail will respond later today.


  7. I did own a pair of Crocs once, for the garden only, I'm not quite sure where they are now, I think I gave them away.
    Lots of rain here too, although we have been lucky and didn't really suffer from the drought like you did. I need the rain to stop tonight so that the verandah can be finished tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

  8. Hi Helen I too am catchin up! I own a closed in pair of something similar for the garden - I hate crocs with a passion - utterly ugly!!!!! I have never seen a foot look good in them - I am with you on this one, for the garden only hehe!!!

  9. I love my crocs - so comfy. Crocs like yours for when I use the pool. Croc thongs worn ALL the time - esp in PNG (I have 2 pairs - one for PNG and one for home!) and Croc slippers are the warmest I have ever had - great if spending some time in a northern winter climate! I promise not to wear crocs when I visit!

  10. I don't own a pair, but, we call them jellies over here. Supposedly they are very comfy.

    Enjoy you're rainy weather. Great for indoor projects.
    Have a great weekend.
