Monday, December 20, 2010


These Aussie-style Christmas cards show what Christmas is usually like in Australia.

Blue skies,
families on holiday at the beach,
huge games of beach cricket,
everyone cooling off in the water.

We've had two days like this, this week.


the clouds are rolling in again,
the forecasters are predicting more rain for Christmas Day and beyond.

Hope everyone gets board games from Santa !
( and perhaps a bottle of fake tan too )


PS. I'm very happy to have a rainy, cool Christmas Day.


  1. So even on the other side of the world the weather is unseasonal eh?! Seems to me we must all just learn that life isn't always how we expected and that we must go with the flow! Sounds like you will enjoy the Day as much or more if it is cool and wet.


  2. The last two days have been absolutely beautiful. Just like they used to say, beautiful one day, perfect the next! I have been making the most of the gorgeous weather.
    At least it won;t be stinking hot on CHristmas Day, a cool showery/rainy day shouldn't be too bad, and our cool is everyone else's hot!!!!!!!

  3. Now you need to tell us Pommies back home, what you all have for Christmas Dinner?
    Cold Turkey with salad? Iced Xmas Pud? Cold Mince Pies with big dollops of Clotted Cream? And all washed down with chilled spiced apple Punch?
    Just guessing! :)

  4. Hi Helsie,
    A cool Christmas eh? Never can tell in this country of ours what the weather will do on Christmas Day except if perhaps you live in the eastern wheatbelt of Western Australia where I grew up, 30C plus, usually 40C odd.
    Melbourne will actually have a beautiful Christmas Day if the weather people can be believed, 28C just perfect.
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas,
    Anne xx

  5. Apparently we're getting 35 C for Christmas Day.

    I'll swap you 5 degrees of hot for 5 degrees of cool, then we'll both have perfect weather !

  6. You mean you usually play cricket on the beach with koala bears? How the hell do you train them?

  7. Jane:
    We're just going back to the old weather patterns. I'll have this any day to the 40C horrors of recent years.
    You're pretty close. There are some who still cling to the roast turkey hot dinner but we have ours cold - turkey, ham , lots of yummy salads. Many have Christmas pud with custard and brandy butter but unless it's cool I can't face that and trifle is my summer dessert of choice.
    We also have a forecast of 28C which sounds ideal to me and is a pleasant change from 32+
    35C is a horror that I'm afraid I can't enjoy. Too hot to do anything - even breathing makes you sweat ( whoops - perspire !!)
    You can't be choosey who you pick on your team and just because they doze a lot during the day doesn't mean you can leave Koalas out if they want to play. We're very politically correct here in Oz!

  8. Oh we nearly always get rain or drizzle on Christmas day here in England. A white Christmas is unusual despite the snowy scenes we get on our cards. Have a lovely time Helen, whatever the sky chucks at you!
