Monday, December 20, 2010


No matter where we live we all are at the mercy of the weather aren't we?
Here , in Australia, it is Summertime and for most of us that means the rainy season.
The problem is, for 10 years we've not had a real rainy season. We've been drought stricken almost nationwide.
Our dams have been close to empty,
we've been limited to 3 minute showers,
we've let our gardens die through lack of water,
and farmers have watched crops fail when the rains didn't come and reduced their herds when there was no grass for them to eat.

Well I can confidently say the drought has broken.

Dams are overflowing.....

Roads are cut .....

Towns are flooded.

with businesses inundated...
and heartbreaking damage to homes.

Humans are not the only ones to have been displaced from their homes!

(It's called a yabbie!)
On the other side of the world you have snow, snow and more snow causing all sorts of problems.

But it's nearly Christmas so we're mopping up here and you are bunkering down over there.
Getting ready for a happy family time ( we hope !)

So here's to a cool Aussie Christmas

and a warm Northern Hemisphere Christmas



  1. Indeed we are - at the mercy of the weather I mean! I think snow might be preferable to flooding as at least we are dry even if cold over here! Love those cartoons - have received on by the same artist from sister-in-law in Melbourne as a Christmas card! The Santa one with the flat did make me smile. Keep dry and we will do our best to keep warm.


  2. Helen I had no idea you suffered such extremes of weather. I wish I could "beam you up" to visit me in England, I wonder if you would like the deep snow?

  3. Kath:
    I think I would like it but you know the saying about the grass being greener! At least we are on the top of a hill and there is not any flooding in Brisbane and thank God it's cool!!

  4. Maybe it's the anarchist in me but I rather like the fact that in a world we have attempted to utterly harness with our construction and our technology, the weather defies control and reminds us that we are often little more than its pawns.

  5. Oh my word, mopping up is not the word and I have never seen or heard of a it related to the lobster family?

  6. I am old enough to recall a time when it rained in winter and was hot hot hot in summer. The world has gone topsy turvy!

    Im hoping the rain may hold off and clear for those affected by these terrible floods.

  7. have had the rain storms haven't you? We had our first light dusting of snow this past week. We're going to Ohio for Christmas with our brothers and they usually always have snow there in some form or other even if we don't here in SW PA. I laughed at your Santa with the "flat"...that is so cute. Have a lovely day Helsie!

  8. Yikes! Yes indeed, your drought is broken. Hope you and yours are staying high and dry.

  9. I'm trying to organise a charity drive for QLD flood victims. May I use your flood images for a flyer? Please contact me at BRIONY
