Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Phew! Sometimes it's really hard to remain wordless on Wordless Wednesday !!
Here's the story behind the chocolate cake:

Recently Tony has been doing a bit of complaining....
Wondering and complaining about the good old days.
The good old days when I used to make chocolate cake !!!

Now I have to admit that it is quite a while since I have made a chocolate cake.
When the kids were small, chocolate cake was a big favourite ...
but they've flown the roost now and I don't seem to cook cakes for US any more.
If I do, then I just polish them off ...
usually all by myself
and you know what happens then!

So I bake when I have visitors coming...
or when I need to "take a plate ".

Anyway yesterday I thought I'd make a chocolate cake.
So out came the old recipe.

This must be the quickest, easiest chocolate cake recipe ever.

Quick Mix Chocolate Cake

Step 1:
Place these ingredients in a bowl
125 g butter / marg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup castor sugar
2 eggs
 1 and a third cups of self raising flour
half a cup cocoa
two-thirds of a cup of water

Step 2:
Beat on low speed till ingredients are combined.
Increase to medium and beat until the mixture is smooth and paler in colour.

Step 3:
Pour into a greased and paper lined, 20cm cake tin and bake in a moderate oven ( 180 C or 350 F) for about 55 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean when inserted into the centre of the cake.
Stand on a wire rack for 5 minutes before turning out to cool.

Step 4 - the icing
Beat 60 g butter until light and fluffy. Gradually add in 1 and a half cups of icing sugar mixture, 2 tablespoons of cocoa and about 2 tablespoons of milk and beat till combined and fluffy

That's it!

I sliced the cake in half then spread a little of the icing on the bottom layer. On top of that I put sliced strawberries. Added the top layer and used the rest of the icing on the top of the cake.

I had visitors yesterday and Tony  had three pieces when he came home so there's only one piece left for his afternoon tea today.....

that's if I don't get to it first !



  1. That looks very good. I'd get to it first. :)

    I saw your link in Bernard's sidebar, and as it happens, I was planning to make a chocolate cake this Saturday morning, for some young friends. I was going to use, and post, a recipe I have, but it's not as easy as this one. So I'll try yours as it looks so wonderful.

  2. No wonder Tony complained about not having any ☺ - yummo
    You should put a book together for the CWA of these super quick cake ideas

  3. Yum....that's all I can say. I think my hips just got wider looking at it!

  4. I'm going to poke my own eyes out so I dont see the recipe for this ever again...I have been so piggy this week, I'm fairly confident if I made this I'd wolf the whole thing myself.

    You're naughty - tempting me like this.

  5. I may try bringing home flowers tomorrow to entice Helen into making another chocolate cake this weekend !

  6. I think my hubby was very disappointed in me...I baked a cake recently but I was tired of chocolate so I made a yellow cake with white frosting. He ate it but the he wasn't crazy about it. Now he will eat a yellow cake with chocolate frosting for ME but he loves a totally chocolate cake just like your Tony. Not German Chocolate with coconut...and NO raspberries or strawberries...just chocolate. So many restaurants that have chocolate cake here have to mess around with it and add raspberries or pudding type fillings. Now if I can just get my hubby to bring me flowers for his cake....

  7. Oh-ho-ho-ho that looks seriously good!
