Thursday, October 7, 2010


I can't believe it's Friday again !
I'm joining Quilting in My Pyjamas for Favourite Things Friday.
So please go on over to her blog and join us too.

Today my favourite thing is

The first time I ever heard of Mahjong was in an Agatha Christie book.
Miss Marple was playing Mahjong and immediately I wanted to learn how to play it but I had never heard of anyone who did play it.
It remained in the back of my mind over the years as something on my bucket list.
I just knew that I would love it ...
and when I was planning my retirement it was on my definite to do list.
 Imagine my excitement when I saw that the local Uniting Church advertised Mahjong on a Friday morning.

 Now , dear blogland friends, I realised that the ladies who would be playing Mahjong at the church would be older ladies and I was right. Most of them were in their seventies and eighties and there were even a couple in their nineties  but they graciously welcomed me into the group and were happy to teach me this wonderful game that many of them had been playing for many years.

I've been playing Mahjong now for three years.
Friday morning sees me off to Mahjong with my book packed in my bag along with my bits of paper to help me remember all the hands.

Nowadays  I have a new group of friends there who are more my age but I often play with the older ladies who are all delightful, happy, joyful people
and boy can they play Mahjong!
I'm so grateful to them for taking me into their group and teaching me to play.



  1. How very cool! I play a solitaire version on my computer, but have no idea how it's played when there is more than one player. I suspect the computer version and the multiple player version are only mildly related.

  2. The only time I've played it is on the computer, but I enjoyed it. I bet the "live" version is a lot more fun. Glad you found a group you can play with.

  3. I to have played the computer version, but it's probably not as much fun. It's neat that you learned something from your "bucket list".

  4. Ladies,
    I'm sorry to say that the computer version shows absolutely no resemblance to the real game. The only thing they have in common is the tiles !

  5. I love Mahjong, although I haven't played for quite awhile so I might be a bit rusty.
    When I was a teenager my parents bought a second hand set through the Trading Post. It turned out to be an original Chinese one, made from bamboo and ivory, a complete set, but not in the original box. It even has all the original counters and rules from the 1920's, I think. It only cost $10. It is a pity it is made of ivory, but the pieces feel and look so beautiful. We have taught my daughter to play too.

  6. I think I'd love to learn Mahjong! You're lucky to have found a group willing to take you in and teach you the game. Happy FTF! Thanks for sharing. :o)

  7. ahh Mahjong, i never learned but when in lived in PNG all the thai girls could play and had a ball! Thank you for your lovely comment, this FTF is fun, glad to find a local too!

  8. Helen, I am so envious. When I lived in Fiji back in the late 70's I played mahjong at least twice a week with a group of expats and really loved it!. I still have my set, boards and little book of 'hands' but have never managed to find anyone who played! If ever (no! WHEN) I get back to Brisbane to live I'd love to join your group.

  9. Never played but when we travelled the Far East there were some stunning carved sets there. x

  10. Never played myself, but I think it's great when a group of people get together for nothing more than friendly competition and chatter!

  11. I remember playing it many years ago as a teenager! Can't remember anything about it now though. It's always good to mix with older people - it makes one feel young!

    Jane x

  12. I love that you love mahjong. My grandmother used to play. I wish I'd asked her to teach me! I've tried to learn the computer version and bombed disgracefully.

  13. Looks complicated, don't think it would be for me but it is great that you were able to find some little old ladies to teach you. We forget how much the older generation has to teach us.

  14. I used to live in Hong Kong when I was a teenager and the sound of the mahjong tiles always reminds me of that.....the chinese love that game!! The older ladies group sounds like fun :-)

  15. Oh, that sounds so lovely! I'll bet you will remember those friends you've made there for the rest of your life. Thanks for sharing!

    xo -El

  16. I've only ever played on computer as well and I think thats best. I went through a stage at school of playing cards and I was rubbish, really really bad. Even with luck games rather than skill! Playing the WII on my own is better for my ego, at least when I loose all the time I don't get laughed at!
