Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hello my blogland friends, how was your weekend?
We had a quiet one here which is nice now and then.
On Saturday we were up at 6:00am ( an ungodly hour I know on the weekend ) and off to the markets to get our fruit and veg.
Then home to pack them all away.
Before settling down with the Saturday paper I decided to whip up a batch of scones.

The best thing about scones is they don't take long.

Here's the recipe for you if you would like to try it.

Remember not to handle them too much, it makes them tough.

I just cut the whole thing into squares. Can't be bothered with rings.

Then into the oven .....

and just time to clean up the mess and put the kettle on.

Now.... time to settle down and read the Travel Section and dream......

Later we put on this DVD

Very interesting and enjoyable.

Next time we visit the UK we'd like to explore that North Yorkshire coast, it looks so pretty.
After all Captain Cook is an important man to Aussies and he hails from there.

As I said ..dream !



  1. Yumm!
    Last time we went to the UK we explored the Yorkshire coast it was truly beautiful.

  2. I want scones now....I better call my sister . I cant make them to save myself.

    Sounds like you had a lovely relaxing weekend.

  3. Could you stop at one though?! They look delicious especially spread with butter and a cup of tea alongside. The route from covers some stunning countryside including the beautiful Lake District - you'd love it I know. Have you seen this book?
    You might enjoy the account of the walk in it.


  4. Adore Wainwright....not so keen on scones.
    They leave my mouth all dry and screwed up. :(

  5. Yes Jane we've been to the Lake District a couple of times - both in June - and although it was lovely it was very crowded and I'm not fond of crowds. We did go to a little place called Pouley Bridge which was quiet and we walked to Beatrix Potter's farm from Windemere too. We love the way you can walk through the fields and over people's property and they don't mind. You English are great walkers aren't you. We sort of amble along taking photos and ooing and ahhhing.
    Bernard though I'm fond of a nice scone and a cuppa I know what you mean!!

  6. Not having a clue what a sultana is, I reached for Wikipedia. It told me:

    Sultana (Arabic: سلطانه ‎) may refer to:

    * Sultana bird, another name for the Purple Swamphen
    * Sultana (grape), a white seedless grape
    * Sultana (gastropod), a terrestrial mollusk, a land snail in the family Orthalicidae
    * Sultana (title), a female Sultan or wife of a Sultan

    I am fervently hoping your scones contain grapes.

  7. My goodness I hope it's grapes and not snails Helsie !

  8. Those scones look so yummy! I'll have to make a batch right after I Google sultanas.

    How was your Halloween? I'm curious to know if you tried out the chili and if it worked for you.

    xo -El
