Tuesday, October 19, 2010


He arrived at seven o'clock this morning.

As I write this he is working inside.

Bum up , probing ....

drilling peep holes in the wall.....

peering inside with torches and cameras.

We'll find those little buggars!

Poisonous bait is now sealed inside the wall.

Once they try it they'll eat nothing else.
Like giving chocolate to children was how the Hitman described it!!

There are eight of these baited traps around the yard to kill off the whole nest where ever it is.

It seems that we are lucky and have discovered them early.
No structural damage that we can find.

The Hitman will be back in 30 days to check and will keep checking regularly for the next year to make sure we've eradicated them.

But they're out there,
millions of them,
just looking for a way into your house
and from now on we'll be extra vigilant.

That's all you can do,
 take what precautions you can
and hope if they get in , you catch them early before your house comes crashing down around you !!!!



  1. Oh Helsie, the dreaded termites. Lets hope they go for the termite chocky and leave your home alone. GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. How did the Hitman feel about you taking tushie pictures? I can just hear you explaining it.

    I'm glad you got them early. Sounds like it could have been a lot more serious.

  3. I wondered too about the thoughts of the Hitman when you were following him round taking photos! Let's hope and pray that the stuff works and that your house will not come tumbling down! Horrible things.

    So no Wordless Wednesday today then?!


  4. Oh Jane I forgot it was Wednesday! One of those photos with the Hitman's bum in the air would have been perfect !!!

  5. Ooh he means business I can see. His wife would have been proud that he took his shoes off :D

  6. Thanks for your good wishes everyone

  7. Many thanks for your "rant" over on my blog. I am so pleased to know that I am not the only one who feels this way and can assure you that having a cold Christmas wouldn't help as I often think it is perhaps the weather that makes me feel this way! We rarely have the white snowy Christmas you imagine here anyway - snow usually arrives in the New Year! Thanks for continuing to follow my ramblings I love to hear your thoughts on my posts.


  8. Oh, My, Goodness. Glad to see you are getting these unwelcome guest out of the house.

    Just look at all the fun you have been up to in such a short time. I feel like I've been gone a month and not just four days. Love, love you new choice of colors for your new project.

    Finally back amongst the living.


  9. Poor you! I do hate crawlies. We've had quite a few spiders come in out of the cold.....
    Bad frost this morning, leaves falling. Beautiful colourful trees! It's Autumn! lovely time of year.
    Hugs suex

  10. ROFL when I saw the 'bum up' photo! Trust you!
    We once had to contend with white ants at our previous house and luckily discovered them early and the 'Flick man' did his job for us!Love the Hitman's car too!
