Friday, October 22, 2010


Oh dear , It's Favourite Things  Friday and I'm late !
I've been doing one of my Favourite Things.
I've been to the Brisbane Craft and Quilt Fair with some girlfriends.

This huge Fair is held in the Brisbane Convention Centre over five days. I have been going to see it all for three years now. It's one of my retirement pleasures..........
........and oh, oh , oh  the beautiful things there are to see

Lots of beautiful quilts to see.... ideas and patterns and kits !

Paper crafts ,  lovely papers, tools, new techniques and gadgets for sale.

Amazing textile artwork on display.

Ideas so simple but so effective to copy, like this lovely tablerunner or wall hanging.

and WOW look at this lovely ribbon embroidery!
One of my purchases was some blue and yellow silk ribbon so,
if I can remember how,
I can make a pretty blue and yellow embroidered wall hanging for my bedroom wall.

Quilting ideas and equipment were everywhere.

It was great to see lots of schoolgirls there too,
taking part in workshops, keenly interested in all that was going on.

Then off to lunch,

in very pleasant surroundings.

A much needed break ....

...... before we headed back inside to look at the quilts.

This is a small taste.....

I'll show you some absolutely fabulous ones tomorrow.

Why not come and join in FTF with the fabulous Mrs Pyjamas?



  1. I totally forgot about the Craft and Quilt Show but will be going there this weekend. Hope it's not packed. Thanks for reminding me and for the great photos.

  2. Wow - that would be my favourite thing too! I love that crochet(?) hanging by Prudence Mapstone and am off to see if she has a website! Looking forward to seeing more soon and hope you will show us what you produce after all this lovely inspiration!

    Am also off to check out MTF and maybe to join in too - Christmas will not feature on my favourite things though!!


  3. Ours is coming up in a couple of weeks and I am planning a day out.

  4. wow that looks like great fun and what beautiful quilts!

  5. It looks like a Helsie paradise!

  6. Wow...Quilt Heaven! Looks as if you have the best time. Wish I was there to join you. Thanks for sharing. Happy FTF! :O)

  7. I've just read about you on marigold jam's blog and popped over to see your Friday favourites! I LOVE your pictures of the quilt show - it looks fantastic.
    Helen x

  8. Ooh I love the textured artwork, I;d love to get my fingers into it!

  9. What fun! Thanks for sharing all the eye candy. Beautiful.

  10. Ooh, you got to see a Prudence Mapstone piece in person. Back before I discover quilting I used to spend a lot of time trawling her site, I started a freeform crochet project that is firmly in the UFO pile now.

  11. Aren't quilts like this just amazing. I could stare at them all day. I know I will be back for another peek or two. What a fun trip this must have been. Thanks for taking us with you.

    Off to make the rounds...still trying to catch up with everyone.

    Have a super-duper weekend,

  12. Drooling with envy! That show could hurt my purse!
    Looks like a lovely time!

  13. Oh My goodness...complete eye candy. I got a thrill just looking. I would have been beside myself to be there. Our show is in two weeks. I cant wait!

    Were you completely inspired? I cant wait to see today's post! Great FTF. Probably one of my favourites for this week.

  14. Oh, such gorgeous eye candy! Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures. I'm sure you came away inspired!

  15. My head would be a complete mess after this - too many wants, ideas, projects and "I wish I could take this home NOW!!!" ☺
    Looks like fun

  16. Great eye candy! Thanks for sharing!
