Friday, October 29, 2010


I'm joining  Mrs Pyjamas today for FTF.
If you'd like to join in please follow the link and tell us about one of your Favourite Things.

These are my favourite things today...

Baker, the Border Collie....

and Dash, the Australian Cattle Dog cross ( better known as the  Blue Heeler).

In about 2002 Sally asked us to mind her dogs for her while she went on a two year working holiday to the UK.
She stayed away for five years !!!

Then she lived at home for the next year before moving to a small inner city flat with absolutely no room for dogs.
Of course by this time the dogs had become OUR dogs.
The pets we hadn't planned on having as we wanted to start to travel overseas a little
and leaving pets for an extended amount of time in kennels is far from ideal and very expensive.

But where ever we are, they are not far away. 

Helping with work in the yard.....

or relaxing ......( NOT supposed to be on the bed !!!)

"watching" TV.

They are very lovable

and give us unconditional love.

(Baker has one blue eye and one brown eye)

So now we wouldn't be without them.


  1. Aw, you must have known that I would go all gooey when I saw these pics :D

  2. Of course, the pups are one of your favorite things. I aDORe the picture of the one peeking out of a comforter. Nice capture. Perfectly, charming way to start the weekend. I hope long walks with the pups are on the dockets.


  3. Really great post Helsie! Those little faces peeking out love it! They are really part of your family.

  4. Gorgeous fur babies Helsie. (And very Australian too!)

    You must have a lot of stamina to keep up with Dash and Baker. Both those breeds are known for needing lots of mental and physical stimulation. Love the pics of them round the house and garden.

    I have a cat I inherited in much the same way you inherited your two dogs!

    Thanks for visiting FTF again this week. Your posts are always such fun to read.

  5. Gee I came out of my puppy saga quite well didn't I! They look like lovely fur babies and they must be quite a handful. Very cute, I love the pic of Dash looking out from under the quilt/doona, the expression is priceless.

  6. Great photos Helen, thanks so much for sharing them with us.
    You certainly have your hands full!
    Hugs and thanks for the comments,
    Hugs Suex

  7. They sure do look like very sweet and lovable pooches. Love the blue/brown eyes.

  8. What is it with dogs and the bed? Your two are very cute.

    Sorry my reply is so late, I'm really behind on reading blogs this week.

  9. Oh, I just love your FTF today! Your dogs are so sweet! They really do become part of the family, don't they. Intersesting that Baker has one blue eye and one brown. Wish I could come and pull their ears.

    xo -El

  10. What gorgeous dogs! Love the blue and brown eyes! :-)

  11. awww. dash is so cute do you know what his crossed with is it a german shepherd.
