Friday, July 9, 2010


Funny weather we are having here this Winter.
It's usually fine and sunny with daytime temperatures hovering around 22 degrees.
Oh, the nights get cold - mainly around 10 degrees but the days usually warm up quickly.

Lately it's been cold for Brisbane, with daytime temperatures not warming up because it's overcast.
Bleak......( for us !)
with lots of high cloud and fitful sunlight...
and only around 16 degrees....
Of course Queenslanders think it's  COLD
but for me it's a chance to wear some warm clothes and rug up for a change and cook some lovely comforting food.
Out came the big pot.....

and soon healthy vege soup was on the boil.

That should keep us going for a while ! ( some will go into the freezer for next week )

Yesterday I went out into the country about half an hour's drive from here to visit a friend.
She's busily renovating a little wooden farmhouse near Minden.

It's coming along very nicely....
and look at the views from her windows.

 and look there's that funny weather I was telling you about.
Clouds in one direction .....

and sunshine in the other !



  1. Hello,
    we are having a bit of a hot spell here in England at the moment. Hosepipe bans have started too!
    Your friend does have some lovely views from her house.
    Thank yoy for the lovely comment on my blog too.

  2. Well, that cold spell of your sounds like a warm spell for us! I get out my tee shirts and shorts when those temperatures arrive!
    It's overcast here today but very warm. Prob in the low twenties.
    Love the look of the soup.
    Lyn's cat (above comment) looks very much like my Ludo!

  3. We poor old Brits, 22' is a warm summer day for us :D

  4. It's been roasting over here in the UK this week. Here in the east, it's hit 31 degrees. Not so good in school. The children are not up for anything! Have a good week. Ros

  5. What fantastic views your friend has, very tempting for me to just sit and look

  6. Jane's house looks very nice! Always hot here! Hoping for cooler weather when we are in Brisbane in a couple of weeks time - but not too cold! I am quite sure none of my winter clothes will fit me!

  7. I wouldn't mind a wee bit cooler weather right now! I think one of the things I enjoy about the weather when it first starts getting cooler is snuggling in with a quilt and a book with a cuppa.. nice way to spend an afternoon!

    A thought on neighbors - you don't realize how good your neighbors were until you get a bad one!
    Have a lovely evening!

  8. What a lovely farmhouse and the ground look delish-ish-ly green too. That soup looks like it will keep you warm all winter long. You also look like you are a wee-bit like me and make enough for an army. But, isn't it nice to be able to go to the freezer and not have to spend an afternoon cooking.

    Off to see what else all have been up to this past weekend. Very low key around here.

