Friday, June 18, 2010


Do you like silver?
I do......

but I don't like all the work it involves to keep it looking nice.

So I only have two pieces of it on show.
I can cope with cleaning that .....
every six to twelve months.

Today it was time to do it
and it does look good when it's all sparkling clean and shiny.

This is a Cricket trophy won by Tony's grandfather in 1923.
It sits in the centre of my dining table.

This is a fairly modern piece. I bought it about 25 years ago.

( Sorry about the blurry photo - low light makes it difficult to hold the camera steady )

 That's enough for me to keep up with .


  1. Two pieces that beautiful are good! I have a silver christening mug but it is usually kept in its velvet lined box - I must get it out and have it where we can see it. Also have a couple of silver thimbles and a photo frame but as you say they do need regular cleaning! Brass too of course of which I have several pieces.


  2. I hate cleaning silver and brass, occasionally i surprise myself and collect up all the thimbles and photo frames and things and have a big messy clean -up . Then I ignore the tarnish for as long as possible ! I love your two pieces, both looking very sparkly clean !
    Louise x

  3. I love silver, but hate the cleaning!
    Julie xxxx

  4. My husband and son have quite a large collection of silver golf trophies but they have to clean them!

  5. The first question I have is what do you use to clean your's. I've tried everything, even the salt and foil paste trick. Mine needs a good going over so soon. As you can imagine, I just kind of walk on by that task lately.

    Have a great weekend.

    Clean on my friend, we want to see more,

  6. Lovely pieces and very special having Tony's grandfather's trophy. Cleaning silver is boring but well worth it - not that I do any... x

  7. How wonderful to have the trophy, a wonderful, beeautiful heirloom
