Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Once I started thinking about foods and the countries I associate with them I got to thinking about the food that I miss the most when I am away from home...

..... and do you know what I came up with?


Yes, the humble pumpkin!

It seems to me that other countries don't eat pumpkin like Aussies do.

In the UK we managed to buy what they call Butternut Squash

Butternut Pumpkin to us.

However from what I could see they only use it for making soup.

Growing up we rarely ate an evening meal without pumpkin  being on the plate ...

and, though as a child I wasn't so keen, now I really  LoVe  my pumpkin !

These days I rarely buy anything but the Kent variety.....

and a roast dinner isn't complete without roast pumpkin.

Then there's pumpkin risotto.....

pumpkin pizza.....

 pumpkin scones.....

and even cakes like this one on Aussie Maria's blog.

Yep, I love pumpkin !

What food do you miss most when you travel?


PS. I know American's eat Pumpkin Pie but that is one way Aussies DON'T eat pumpkin !


  1. Oooh, I think we do more things with btternut squash (sorry, b. pumpkin) than that. I have a pasta recipe for it.
    We don't eat much pumpkin. They appear in the shops at Hallowe'en but even then I think people in general don't really know what to do with them except make face lanterns. I think most -horror of horrors- just throw away what isn't used in the lanterns.
    I have never had them as a veg accompaniment to a roast dinner. Now I must try to use them more.

  2. We dont eat much pumpkin, we only have it around the holidays and i love me some pupking pie!

  3. The meals look lovely, I would be very interested in Pumpkin if it was served like that!
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  4. Maybe we should start a recipe swap or something - you are right we don't use much pumpkin here in UK but I am sure if we knew how to cook it as you do we'd take it on board. After all our cuisine is very cosmolitan coming as it does from all the different nationalities who emmigrate here. What do I miss most - well I remember on holiday in USA once I would have killed for a Chelsea bun although I don't eat them that often at home or some plainly served green vegetables!! My French friend has just gone home with the recipe for Bread and butter pudding and also now knows how to make jacket potatoes and mint sauce which she had never had before.


  5. I'm embarrassed to say that not only have I never had pumpkin, but I've only recently started having butternut squash! Having said that, I really like it, and I was intrigued to see your photo of it on pizza (yum!).
    My aunt is from Sinagapore, and whilst studying in London, developed a real penchant for pork pies. now, whenever she comes over, her favourite snack is -yes - a pork pie....

  6. What no PIE...sham-sham.... the best at turkey day.

    But, I will not let Scooter see this post or he will be on his way. He would every single thing above. I mean every single bit. Yes, you would have none left.

    Ooooopsm, he just walked in and I better move on before he jumps in the screen.

    Great pictures once again.

    Took the day off from being online and it was great for my soul.


  7. Did not realise it, but I think your right, Helen. Nearly every meal has pumpkin in it and you didn't mention one of my favourites - mashed potato & pumpkin. I can almost make a meal of that by itself!!

  8. Helen that is so interesting because you are right - to me Pumpkin is a soup ingredient or just hollowed out for halloween. I do like butternut squash in curry, risotto and roasted, but I find them extremely hard to cut! You will have to give us a little pumkin cookery tutorial! x

  9. I think I will become the pumpkin ambassador!

    The best way to eat this delicious vege is to roast it. Do your tastebuds a favour and try it next time you do a Sunday roast!

  10. I know its time for lunch Helsie but my tummy is rumbling like mad now - especially after catching up with your last post as well!!

    Pumpkin - Butternut Squash - love it! We have them with roasts in winter but my favourite is pumpkin soup - delish!

    I always miss a good 'Yorkshire' brew when in France or Italy - wonderful food, but they can't make a cuppa!


  11. I Definitely DON'T miss pumpkin - Yuk!
    However,I do like to have my vegemite OCCASIONALLY! Not always available where I live at the moment (PNG) so vegemite and a supply of Twinings Green Tea with lemon are always packed in my suitcase when I return from a trip home.

  12. I love pumpkin pie. Once I even grew my own pie pumpkins and made fresh pumpkin pie. Mostly I use Libby's Pumpkin pie mix (in a can)here and it's delicious and very easy to make. Oh, and we like it with lots of cinnamon and spices and lots of whipped cream. We're in North Pole AK near Fairbanks for a couple of days. I had fun visiting the Santa Claus House today. Of course I bought some souvenirs even if I have too much Christmas stuff already I couldn't resist.
