Thursday, May 20, 2010


Letters to Juliet
Today I went to see this movie with a good friend.

It's set in Italy - in Verona and Siena with some beautiful countryside and vineyards as well as charming villages......

.....with a cast which includes these two timeless stars.

Beautiful scenery.
Lovely story.
A pleasant way to while away a couple of hours with a good friend.



  1. Those look like beautiful photos. It sounds like something I should see. So when you come to Europe next time, will it be Italy?

  2. Foody:
    I wish.... but it is on my list.
    Next year the plan is to spend some time in England - perhaps the Chilterns to walk and see the bluebells and of course return to Paris.
    I'm surfing the net and plotting and planning. That way when I get the go-ahead I'm off and running!

  3. I love a nice film.
    Someone recommended at my Slimming Club recommended The Notebook. I got it cheap from the supermarket, boy did I cry!
    So weepy!
    I'm always behind with films. Never go to the cinema.
    Glad you enjoyed it Helsie
    Hugs Suex

  4. Hallo Helsie....i may not always comment but i sure are following your blog...i take this oppertunity to thank you for sharing the lovely pictures that you have posted on your blog...from your trips.... the longest hexagon... etc...its always very interesting and relaxing to be here...
    greetings Francien.

  5. On my list of ever growing things to do. I saw an ad for it and it sounded great. Thanks for the great recommend.

    Off and Running, of course,

  6. Have plans to see this movie with a couple of friends next week - looking forward to it even more now!

  7. Sounds like a great film Helen, is that the girl from Mamma Mia? looks a bit like her - will try to check this one out. Must mention your patchwork as I am just catching up with the blogs - you are doing soooo well, the heart mat is exquisite. I would love to learn patchwork - I have dabbled in the past but nothing elaborate< I think that is another thing on my wish list for the future.X

  8. Kim,
    Yes that's her. She is lovely in this role too. Thanks for the encouraging words re patchwork.

  9. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  10. This movie is on my wish list - now to convince hubby ;-)

  11. Always good to have a film recommendation but I'll have to wait till the DVD comes out I'm afraid, just like all the others we tend to see these days. I finally saw Avatar recently, loved that. By the way, your quilt work is looking lovely.

    Kate x

  12. There was an article about this film, and also the team of secretaries in Verona getting ready to be swamped by sacks of letters on the BBC news today! I hope that I can persuade Mr JK to go and see it!

  13. Hi Helsie

    Just catching up on some posts I have missed since you came back from France. Love your mug - very chic!

    This looks like my kind of film - its definitely on my wish list!

