Tuesday, May 18, 2010


At my last patchwork lesson the very patient Linda taught me how to make two new "blocks".

The first was a heart block and once I managed to get my quarter inch seam going properly this is what it looked like.

So two of them sewn together with a border for a tablemat looks like this.

The next block was a Shooting Star block.
It looks like this.......

and the tablemat looks like this.

Although these are very simple blocks I can tell you that I am doing plenty of " sewing backwards" ( unpicking ) while I learn the importance of quarter inch seams and careful pinning and matching up of seams.
So now I have three tablemat fronts completed. I'm making progress !!!!

Once you start to learn the precision processes of patchwork it makes you appreciate the work and talent that produces beautiful quilts like these.

Clever ladies.
Hope I can do something as lovely one day.



  1. Well done! I was pleased to notice that not all the corners on some of the quilts in the exhibition at the V&A matched exactly but they were beautiful nonetheless! It was the precision of patchwork that put me off 0 I am too slapdash for it but can appreciate your skill and think the mats will be fabulous when finished and am sure one day you will produce a quilt such as the one you admire! Thanks for your comment on my blog - yes that is Kensington Gardens which was originally part of Hyde Park. Lovely at this time of year.


  2. Your blocks are lovely, so neat! I can;t wait to see it all finished.

  3. Helen your blocks look great! I love the quilting part, but, have always been frustrated doing the patchwork because I'm always ripping out seams and re-pinning to get my seams to match up. I have found however, once I get a rhythm going it seems to run smoother.

    You're doing great! The placemats look wonderful and I love the fabric!

  4. You have done well - they look fantastic. Can't wait to see a full table of them.
    I am in love with that last quilt - just my kinda style

  5. Hi Dear
    This blog shows a many feature.So i like very much..........................................
    Patchwork Making

  6. Lovely quilts; you might like to check out www.Justhands-on.tv and see what's happening in the UK patchwork world and get some tips to help you with your own skills
    regards Valerie
