Monday, February 22, 2010


This photo was taken a couple of years ago on a visit to Scotland where my daughter was living and working for four years.
She grew to love Scotland and we did too.
Don't you think I look like I belong there in the beautiful Scottish highlands?

Well, now I really do !
From now on  just call me Lady Helen !
Yes, that's right, Lady Helen  if you please!
On my behalf, for my birthday, my son and his partner purchased for me a plot of land in Scotland - a Highland Estate in Scotland !

The letter that came with the title deed says:

 "You may also wish to know that by ancient tradition, the ownership of land in Scotland allows you to style yourself with the title of Laird or Lady !

I also now have a family crest...

and a tartan !!!

You're completely amazed aren't you?
Me too!

Oh, did I tell you how large this plot of land I now own is?
The one that makes me Lady Helen ?
One square foot !!!!!!!!

This clever marketing strategy is a fantastic way of preserving and ensuring the future of a beautiful section of Scotland, reversing centuries of deforestation and encouraging the land to regenerate. The whole estate which is being preserved in this way, has been broken up and sold to people all over the world in one square foot sections.
Because of this it can never be developed or built on and with good management by groups like the Scottish Woodland Alliance, returned to something like its original state.

The land I now own is in the Lordship of Lorne, by Appin, flanked by Loch Linnhe to the west and Loch Levin to the north.
Not far from Fort William and beautiful Glencoe.

I have Ordinance Survey Reference Points so when I visit my land
with the aid of a GPS I will be able to exactly locate it.
( And one day I will. You know how we are drawn to our own land !!!)

How's that for an unusual birthday present?


PS. We'll have to have another photo taken wearing the correct tartan .


  1. It's a cool moonlit nit tonit Helsie !

  2. Lady Helen-

    I bow to you. You own square foot of heaven. Scotland is on our travel list near the top. Just look at all that green.

    You two are the cutest in your red tartan kilts. Can't wait to see the new pictures.

    P.S. I remember that picture from the header when I first discovered Lady Helen and all her glory.

    Have a great Monday, Off to the races here,

    Kate - TGB - <3 <3 <3

    The hubbie is a keeper and a cutie-pa-tutie.

  3. Fabulous idea! I love your tartan M'lady. I have a soft spot for Scotland as we were married at Gretna Green and honeymooned nearby.

  4. Kate,
    Let me know when you are going to scotland and I'll give you directions to my place. Good friends are welcome there any time!
    Lady Helen
    PS He is pretty cute!

  5. How Cool! Lady Helen, you will have to make yourself a one foot square blanket so you have have a picnic on your land when you visit!!!! What a fun present - Hope you had a really goo day! **Kim**x

  6. I meant good day, not goo day!!!!! x

  7. Appin is beautiful, especially in spring when the lambs are being born. Lots of history there too.
    Louise (Scotland)

  8. OOh this is a fun post!
    KIm what are you thinking about? A one foot square blanket. As Kate would say 'That's crackin me up!'
    Seriously this is so cool!
    Lady Helen, I Like that.
    Hugs and Love Suex

  9. . . and with land values increasing all the time!

    Your photograph in Glencoe is a view of the "Bidean Nam Bian" massif, taken from near the Glencoe Youth Hostel. The left hand of the two buttresses is known as the "Dinner Time Buttress" - it's said that you can reach the summit of Bidean by "dinner time" if you use that route. It's actually far less steep than it looks - a scramble, rather than a climb. Wow - that takes me back to 1959, when I first hoisted myself up it!

    Very best wishes, and thanks for this entertaining blog.

  10. Oh, Helsie, Lady Helen fits you to a "T"! What a cute post. Looks like a grand place to visit - you could crochet that one square foot blanket (granny stitches).

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  11. That is awesome! What a terrific birthday present.
    I'm looking forward to a Scotland/England trip in two years - I'm taking the husband for his 60th.
    Three cheers for Lady Helen! What a cute post.

  12. Curtsey to Lady Helen. You definitely need a blanket in your beautiful tartan, and a kilt, and a scarf, and a hat, and a ....... Congrats on the title!! Your new land area looks beautiful. I loved the photo of you in Scotland - just did not know where the photo was taken and now I do :-)

  13. Well well, I wondered why yesterday you had suddenly become Lady. Now I see. What a beautiful area too, for you to own part of, Your Ladyship. Will her Ladyship be visiting her estate? Loved the photo in the tartan too!

  14. That is utterly priceless! Will you be updating your header now? Not to mention the bank accounts, house deeds, passport ...

    What a brilliant present ...... milady!

    Your servant, Kate

  15. Lady Helen, you might like to look at a photographic blog I follow, called Scotland in the Gloaming. Every day they post the most fantastic photos. OK, sometimes they are bit too much enhanced, but they mostly just stunning.

  16. Thanks for the tip foody. I off to roam the Gloaming !!

  17. What a wonderful birthday present Lady Helen. I love Scottland too, we were able to visit there in 2005 and 2007 and it was beautiful!
