Sunday, February 21, 2010


On Monday I turn 60 !!!
No, don't say that number too loud.

I always thought that 60 was old ...........
but I feel the same as yesterday .....and last year... and the year before that.

But I guess  we all feel like that.
Inside we feel just the same ....
but I'm moving out of middle aged into old !

No, I can't be?

Sunday was the day of the Big Birthday Bash.
Some serious preparations were needed.

Son and his partner were flying in from Sydney to join in the celebrations and daughter was up to stay for the night.

Nothing lavish but a nice Breakfast was planned at the Golf Club

where we had done a test run for Tony's birthday.

So I made good use of this stuff .

 and off we went to meet 13 friends and family at 8:30am on Sunday morning.

There were lots of happy people.

 and it's so nice to have the kids around.

We don't get the whole family in one place too often these days.

Before long everyone was tucking in

to this

  or this
 and soon everywhere were sights like this

Then it was off home for birthday cakes !

I had a lovely time .
Thanks for coming everyone.



  1. Looks like you had a good party - glad everyone could make it.

    Happy Birthday wishes for tomorrow - it's not bad being 60 you know - 60 is the new 40 these days! I got my bus pass nearly 6 years ago and I still haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up! It's true what they say - you are as old/young as you feel - 25 most days but occasionally 90!! Enjoy your special day.

    Jane x

  2. Hello Helen,
    A day before my Mothers Birthday. She'll be 80. on the 23rd.
    Wow, it looks as though a good time was had by all. How nice to spend it with your family.
    Those cakes!! The meal all looks fantastic.
    Glad you had a good time,
    All my very best wishes for Monday Helen, we are all hoping you have a super sshh 60th!!

    Hugs and Love, Lots of Kisses Suex.

    'Happy Birthday to you!'
    'Happy Birthday to you!'
    'Happy Birthday dear Helen',
    'Happy Birthday to you!!'
    With lots of love from all your friends in Blogland! xxxxxxxxxx

  3. Bet you didn't know I'm toned deaf. I can do a lot of things, but singing isn't one of them. So, I'll just hum along with Sue and let her be on the one to belt it out.... chuckle-chuckle.

    Looks like you have and a truly wonderful birthday weekend. I'm also thinking this big trip coming up will further the celebration.

    I'm not too far behind at 53, but I've given up on the hair color thing. I finally decided let it go, gray.....icks.... So, far, So good, but I do get the color things.

    But, don't think for a second that I wouldn't be snatching up one of the cupcakes.

    All my wishes for a great birthday,

    Kate - <3 <3 <3

  4. Happy Birthday Helsie! What a nice celebration with your family and friends! We live so far from family so we miss a lot of celebrations with them. You are lucky to get everyone together. I have to admit turning 60 bothered me. It sounds so old but I don't feel that old. I will hit 64 in November and that is creepy and too close to 65. Reminds me of the Beatles song "Will you still love me when I'm 65?" Of course back then we never thought we would be old. My hubby says it beats the alternative. He's so wise. But he's a youngster like you just turned 60 last year. Hubby is out and about today going to a train show and he took my camera with him so I have to wait to take my photos for my blog posting today. I have some cupboards to clean out so I better get busy. Again best wishes for a fantastic year you young chick!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  5. What fantastic food pics! I like the fry-up and the it blueberry meringue?
    Don't say old. You are as young as you feel. Forget the number.
    I'll send birthday greetings tomorrow since that is the day. Glad you had such a lovely time with your family.

  6. What a lovely way to celebrate your birthday! That breakfast looks really, really scrummy and Oohhhhh those cakes! I've only just finished eating my supper, but looking at those cakes, I could start all over again. Have a lovely birthday tomorrow. Ros

  7. Happy Birthday to you!!! Dear Helen, you certainly don't look your age! All that sunshine is keeping you young!!! What a lovely family gathering, that is what it is all about - thats a nice feeling. Of course you have your trip coming up as well - that must be an extension of the celebrations!! Go sip some more bubbly!!! **Kim**x

  8. Have a wonderfully Happy Birthday Helsie, you look and you sound fabulous and 60 is just a number after all. How lovely to have the family around you for the celebrations - your son in particular looks very very like you.

    I am raising my glass to you now.

    Kate x

  9. Happy Birthday!!!! Have a wonderful, relaxing, fun-filled day

  10. Thank you so much for your lovely wishes my dear blogging buddies.
    My cousin has advised me to celebrate my 60th by drinking bubbly all year, all round the world! I think that's a splendid idea and I'm sure it will help ease the pain !!!

  11. Think I've been celebrating too much already
    Cheers !!

  12. Happy Birthday Helen, I have so enjoyed getting to know you through our Blogs and hope you have a lovely day today! It is snowing again here in England! Kath X

  13. Happy, happy birthday Helsie! It looks like you had a wonderful party.

    Birthdays are just numbers and as Jane says '60 is the new 40'. Go girl!

    Jeanne x
