Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hello my Blogland friends. I hope all is going well for you today.

I know that at the moment I'm a bit obsessed with numbers with a 6 in them but, as a friend told me on Monday,  6 is a perfect number. ( a mathematical fact she assures me !)
So 60 is not so bad after all.

Six identical coins will sit around the outside of a 7th coin exactly touching one another, no gaps or overlaps.

No other number of coins will do this.

Go on try it!



  1. AAh thats nice Helen, six is certainly a lovely number! PS love new photo of Lady Helen in her beloved Scotland! Have a great day **Kim**x

  2. At 60 you are 10 times perfect!

  3. Funny how numbers play a part in your lives you know.
    Moms house is 18.
    I met Mr Twin on the 18th Sept
    I got married on the 18th June
    Then theres 10.
    Hubbies home was no 10.
    Girls born on the 10th Feb
    Dad passed away on the 10th June

    Times the 18 x 10 = 180 where we live!

    Nothing to do with 6 but just got me thinking.
    Thanks for your comments Helen as usual.
    Hugs and Love Suex

  4. So happy you have assumed your right and proper title :D and I love the photo you have used...I am curtseying as we speak :D

  5. I am sorry I did not wish you a happy birthday before now. Hope you had a lovely day and many happy returns.

  6. Love the new header - most appropriate for one so auspicious!!

  7. Absolutely in love with your new header/title. Gave me a huge laugh. You should see if you can duck across to Scotland while in France and get piccies of "your land" Lady Helen

  8. Aren't you just the clever one. Love to see what your coin actaully looks like too. What fun. Is that a dollar, pound, pence, quarter... it's interesting that I have to figure that out. I like these kinds of challenges. Just how long are you going to be gone? Well, you come back. I know I will, but then I won't really be leaving just reporting in from a new sunnie home.

    Ok, seriously, I have nothing pack but my yarn. I need to get off and now.

