Thursday, February 25, 2010


What a lovely week I've had!


I've been toasted by dear friends,

I've received tons of lovely cards and gifts. Now it's my turn to cater.

Some teaching pals from my old school are coming to afternoon tea tomorrow so I spent part of the day in the kitchen today preparing a few goodies for them.

Recipe located and ingredients assembled.
I decided to make the recipe into muffin-sized cakes - easier to handle.

Butter and sugar were creamed then eggs added.

Coconut, flour and sour cream mixed then the two combined .

Into the oven...

and iced with coconut ice icing.

Apricot Choc- Chip Coconut Cake came next.

Scones and a few more bits and pieces tomorrow.
Clean the house.
Make the tea and coffee..


Thanks for helping me "celebrate".



  1. Hope there is something left for me when I get home from work !

  2. Aw WOW!!! They look great,Helsie! Will you be posting the recipes?
    I am glad you have had such a great week. By the way, when do the friends from Wales come?

  3. Foody
    Favourite cousin married an Englishman and moved to Wales 42 years ago. They arrive to visit next week so blogging may not be as regular as usual while we enjoy their company.

  4. Looks like you've had a wonderful week Helsie, hope its topped off nicely enjoying afternoon tea with your school colleagues.

    I thought I had posted a comment on your previous post but its not there (!)... anyway just to say that I think your son and his wife were totally inspired in your unique pressie and I think Lady Helen suits you just fine - milady!!

    Love your new header too.

    Jeanne x

  5. Please, please take another week to celebrate on me. Love, Love all your baked treats.

    On the run here,

  6. Greetings your Ladyship, whereabouts from Wales are your visitors? I only ask from curiosity as my family is Welsh. Just to balance it all out, my Husband is Irish, we were married in Scotland and live in England :D
    Glad to had a super birthday, your flowers were beautiful.

  7. Good afternoon Lady Helsie,
    Now your baking looks so delicious from where I'm sitting! I can even smell the cakes! Delicious.
    Now us Blogger friends are all going a bit do - ally! You know these Sunshine Blankets I'm making. Well I'm having requests from all over the world. Kate and Maria want to be sitting near to each other (square wise) on my blanket, near to my edging so they can be near to me. Kim also I think and even Bethel want to be situated near to us,along with dear Karin. Now we were all thinking, is it at all possible that Lady Helsie could find just a wee bit of time when shes not baking or entertaining to make just one little 6" square. We all feel that she really (as Lady Helsie) needs to take pride and place right in the middle of the Blanket! (No pressure you understand!). We would all just love for you to be near to us. As we are all so far away, yet we can be all so near. I do hope you'll pop over to Marias blog and see how mad we are all going.
    I'm so pleased Lady Helsie that you have all had such a wonderful, wonderful week. Enjoy yourself.
    Hugs and Love Suex

  8. Now hang on just a minute ... CLEANING? But, but, but surely Lady Helsie shouldn't be doing such a thing?!

    Love the cakes, they look great. Nice to get a comment from the Laird too!

    Kate x

  9. What a wonderful birthday week you seem to have had and enjoyed. Wish I was a bit closer cause I definitely would be there with those yummy cakes on offer. Which cookbook are they out of?
    I second Sue's idea - is there anyway you are able to join us in this very special blanket.
    That is somewhere in between all your entertaining jobs VBG

  10. Hey Lady Helen, what a brilliant week you are having, such fun! I love the fact that your hubby has left you a comment!!!! I echo Sue and Maria it would be lovely for you to try to make one square - something new now you have reached the lovely 60!!! Continue having a great time and enjoy every minute of it **Kim**x

  11. Wow, you've certainly been having a busy time since I last visited! Happy Birthday!

  12. Wishing you a happy end to the week Lady Helsie. Good weekend for you I hope.
    Thanks for offering to do me a square, knitted will be fine. YOu only need to do one for the middle. I know you are busy. We need you to take 'centre stage!'.
    Hugs and Love and Thanks!

  13. Hmm everything looks sooo good, it gives my the idea to start baking, but as it is 1 o`clock in the morning I should rather go to bed...

  14. Thanks for popping over Lady Helsie.
    Your knitted square will be just fine.
    I hope you are having a good weekend,
    rain rain here.
    Love Suex
