Thursday, February 4, 2010


I don't know about you, but some days I can't think what to write about here.

Then I cruise around the world, reading blogs, following links from comments ......

...and in no time I get a bit of an idea.

I'm not saying that all the ideas are brilliant but everything we write gives a little insight into our world,

a little peek at our lives and who we are

so we can build up a picture of one another.

Not a photo type of picture but a picture in your mind, .. a knowing kind of picture.

So we can better get to know these new friends around the world.

Today I visited a new blog called Gardens, Chickens and Folk Music and was inspired by her post about a plaque in her gazebo.

I thought " I have a cute little wall plaque decorating my garden room".

So here it is.

I think it's very cute.
She's very busy pottering in her garden.

I found it at the Mt Tamborine markets.

It's on the wall beside another interesting "plaque".

It's  6:08 pm on a thankfully balmy, breezy evening .
Can you see what the temperature is ?

How's the temperature at your place ?



  1. Well it's not balmy here!! It isn't cold either though so that's good. It's overcastand damp but really quite springlike today. When I was living in France I realised how many different words we have in English for describing the weather which are not readily translated into French!

    Love your little Garden Angel and you are right everything we write is a sort of mind picture of ourselves and from that we get to know each other. I wonder if we'd be surprised if we actually met or if we'd be just as expected?


  2. Not much above freezing here, but could be worse (and could be better). Oh, to be basking in the high twenties!

  3. I love you garden angel! Especially her shoes! How could you not get a grin every time you look at her!
    When I see the view from your kitchen, I want to grab a cuppa and go sit in that wonderful outdoor room of yours! Between the greenery in the room and that just outside the window I'd be tempted just to sit and daydream...
    Now here, no time for daydreaming - we've had snow after snow, etc and another 2 feet slated for the weekend. I see shoveling in my future.
    Thanks for stopping by the blog. Will be posting about your view.

  4. Hi Helen I love your little plaque - are you a garden angel? Its not balmy here, not by any stretch of the imagination!!!! **Kim**x

  5. Love the new header.
    Love the garden angel
    Love to go see the new find in bloggerland....

    Such a sweet posting today. Charming. Off to catch up on your last few. I've been away for a few days and have so much to catch up on

    Kate - The Garden Bell

    I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

  6. What a sweetie your hubby is (comment before mine)
    Your plaque is so very cute

    Weather here is HUMID - and yes it does need to be in capitals as I am sure it must be at least 99% :-0

  7. Don't know if he's my Garden Angel or my Garden Devil !!!

  8. Love your garden angel. She's looks like she knows what she's about. Weatherwise, things are warmer here in the east of the UK. It's around 8 degrees today and the snow is now all gone. Was raining this morning, which meant 'indoor play at school'. That usually means bad news after'play', because the children really do need to get out and lwt off steam. But all was goo today :). Enjoy the weekend! Ros
