Monday, February 1, 2010


I was reading a post at a new blog I found today and it started me along this line of thought.

Family sayings.

You know. The quirky little things that you and your family have as standard sayings
So I thought I'd tell you about one of ours.

First I have to be sure you know what I'm talking about. You know with the differences we have because we come from different places and call things by different names.

I'm talking about almonds.

We love the nuts  ......    but HATE almond flavouring.

You know the almond taste you find in    marzipan.

................and things like these marzipan fruits .....................

This kid looks like he agrees with us

or some cherry flavoured things like yoghurt.

We think that tastes like................................


So in my family when we accidently eat something that has that almond taste we say .......

"YUK!  That tastes like cockroaches"

Does your family have a quirky thing it says ?



  1. Hello Helen,
    Interesting post! I'll have to have a think about this? I'll let you know.
    THank you for your lovely comments about my Grandmother. What amazes me our Grandmothers had very hard lives didn't they? We have such easy lives compared to them these days.
    I'll get back to you if I think of any.
    Hugs and Love SUex

  2. Heslie, you have the same likes and dislikes as me. I like almonds and cherries but don't like the flavouring and I get so annoyed when you thinnk you are about to eat something nice and it has been laced with almond essence. I pick marzipan off cakes but unfortunately still taste it round the edge. When I make my marzipan I make vanilla marzipan instead.
    By the way I HAAAAAATE beasties. When I saw those insects in your picture, I screamed. It's a gut reaction. When they put insects on TV programmes (always without warning) I scream and hide my face and hubby has to tell me when they've gone. I have some lovely nature books that I couldn't open for years until I thought of getting hubby to stick post-it notes over all the pictures of insects! for

  3. That's a Whale Tail of a story if I've ever heard one...... Toooooo Funny, Love it... Have to use it.... See you are funny.... Cracking up here in the early morning.... By the way, great pictures along with your tail....

    HUgs, Kate - TGB

  4. I'm sure we do have family sayings, but I can't think of any at this time. Seeing those marzipan fruits reminded me of how much I have always hated them from being a very small girl. They always looked so good, but tasted so awful. What a fun post! Ros

  5. Great post Helen, one of our sayings is "It's black over Bill's mums" for a stormy sky - I have no idea who Bill or his mum is!!!!! **Kim**

  6. What a polite lot you are! I kind of agree with what you're saying; I like almonds but I also like marzipan - but I hate the marzipan fruits. I think it may be because they taste so completely different to how they look. I'm going to think this one over as well.

    By the way - how do you know what cockroaches taste like?!

  7. Oh that's a hoot Helsie! I'm sure we do have lots of funny sayings but some of them may not be printable! I shall mull this one over for a while! Love Kimbles comment!!

    Jeanne x
